Page 20 of Alphahole

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“What are you manning up about?” I asked, my confusion turning into frustration. We’d finally managed to reach some sort of silent understanding between us—Ry seemed to be letting down his walls and was at least slowly getting closer. Why was Tristan rocking the boat? Why was he stirring up trouble? Especially now.

It had to be about Monaco. Ry and I hadn’t spoken about what had gone down there. The sex had been incredible—his practically dumping me off his lap and walking away immediately after, not so much. But I knew we’d eventually talk. Even if the outcome wasn’t the one I wanted, we would sort things out. I respected Ry too much, and loved him more, to risk pushing him away.

After all, he wasn’t just considering dating me.

I had a whole lot of baggage in the form of three other boyfriends that he had to contend with.

I thought we’d shown one another that we could make it work, that we respected one another’s boundaries. But maybe I’d been wrong.

The silence stretched out between us as he fiddled. It was so unlike Ry that it had my anxiety ramping up. Why had Tristan told him to man up?

Ry rested his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands together. He exhaled slowly, his knuckles turning white as he squeezed his fingers together, then he said in a rush, “Tristan told me that I needed to get my shit together and admit that I wanted you. Mum told me to ask you out.”

Shock held me immobile. My mouth opened and closed like a goldfish’s. I didn’t know where to begin to process either nugget of information—and I didn’t mean the one that Ry was attracted to me. We’d pretty well established that. It was the part where Tristan and Ry were speaking about feelings, or the one where Ry went to his mum for advice. He was so buttoned up. He was happy to listen to any problem presented to him, but he never reciprocated. He never opened up about anything. Hearing that Ry was speaking about anything like that, and Tristan was encouraging him to be open, blew my mind.


“He told me to stop backing away because of the three of them.” His smile was tight, and it didn’t come close to reaching his eyes. The tension around them remained clear to see in the crease in his brow. “Apparently, he’s prepared to give up time with you so I can have some of it.” He sounded relieved, sending a stab of disappointment through me, but I was still stuck on the part where he’d spoken with Tristan.


“So, yeah.” He swiped his tongue over his swollen lip before standing up.

“Wait, where are you going?” I asked, panic infusing my tone. I lunged forward and gripped his wrist, tugging him back to the couch. “You can’t just say shit like that, then up and leave, Ry. Are you going to give me a chance to speak?”

“You just did. You said, ‘Oh.’ I figured that was your response.” He clenched his jaw and diverted his gaze, staring out at the starlit water just outside the window.

I shifted to sit on the coffee table in front of him and tried to reach for his chin to turn his face toward me. But he wrenched out of my grip. “Turn around, Ry,” I begged, resting my hand on his knee and cupping his cheek with the other. When he finally turned, my heart melted at the vulnerability shining in his eyes. “I have feelings for you too, you stubborn man. You shocked me—”

“How do you not know that I want you?”

“Not that.” I grinned and held my finger and thumb a centimetre apart. “Well, maybe a little given we’ve never actually talked about it, but it’s more that you and Tristan spoke about us and that you called your mum. You’re so closed off, but then you come in here with a split lip, and I’m thinking that you’re gonna tell me you dragged him off the yacht. Instead, you tell me that you’ve had a heart-to-heart with not one but two people and somehow manage to get a split lip in the process. I’m confused as fuck.”

Ry chuckled and shook his head, closing his hand around the one I had cupping his cheek and then turning it to kiss my palm. “He didn’t hit me. This is me pacing my office for hours, chewing on my lip until it was fucking bleeding, then doing it again outside your office while I worked up the courage to come in here and talk to you.”

“Oh, Ry.” I crawled onto his lap and snuggled into him, kissing his temple and brushing my fingers on his chest right over his heart.

He kissed my cheek and down my face, nipping my jaw gently. His warm breath ghosted over my throat, and my heart beat harder, gooseflesh breaking out over my skin as he kept going. His lips tilted up in a smile when I gripped his biceps and moaned quietly.

Ry angled my head up and nibbled on my lobe before sucking gently on the skin below it. He was different like this, quieter, and while in control, he wasn’t being his usual bossy self. He was savouring me, leisurely tasting me as he teased me with sensual, barely there touches.

My cunt clenched, and my nipples peaked as he brushed his thumb across the buds. When I moaned, Ry sucked harder. I loved that he was marking me as he leisurely swept his hand down to my hip.

Everything tilted sideways in a split second, and he was lifting me, stretching me out below him. He tugged my legs open and crawled between them, hovering over me with his heated gaze trained on my body. I was splayed out on my back, my knees apart and my oversized T-shirt riding up to expose all of me. He licked his lips, and the move lit me up like an inferno. When he reached the juncture of my thighs and focussed on my naked cunt, he groaned.

“Fuck, baby girl, you test my restraint,” he growled. The rasp in his voice was so damn sexy. I squirmed, and my core clenched again, wetness coating my thighs as I leaked for him.

“Fuck restraint,” I moaned, arching up and shivering as my sensitive nipples rubbed against the thin material of my shirt.

He reached into his back pocket, pulled out a knife, and flicked it open. He carried the most random shit, but he always had a use for it. He was a damn boy scout.

My breath caught, and excitement pulsed through me. His eyes darkened as he watched me squirm, and the glint in them turned wicked.

“We’ll explore that kink in a minute. But for now, it’s purely a means to an end.” He grasped the neckline of my tee and ran the knife over it, slashing the material from top to bottom effortlessly. I moaned and reached down to touch my clit, needing friction there before I combusted.

“Hands off my pussy, baby girl. When you’re mine, I give you orgasms.”

“What about when the others want to give them to me?” I challenged, sliding my fingers lower to my soaked cunt. Dipping three fingers inside, I moaned at the stretch. But it wasn’t enough. I needed more. “Or when I want to do it myself?”
