Page 17 of Montana Protector

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“Damn right.” Heath grips the back of my thigh to adjust the angle of his strokes. Soon we’re both panting with need, racing to the finish line, as the tension shatters, shared groans of satisfaction filling the air.

We lay in a tangle on the bed, our heartbeats thundering together in a matching rhythm.

“Are you okay?”

“N... never been better.” And that’s the God-honest truth.



“All you need to worry about is keeping you and our baby safe and healthy.”

“DAMN, GIRL, YOU’RE fucking glowing.” Jasmine winks as Samantha shudders and groans, her eyes pinching closed.

“Ugh, I don’t want to hear why! Y’all are cute, and I’m happy for you two, but I do not need the dirty details.”

“Speak for yourself.” Jasmine rolls out more cookie dough to cut out shapes for the party tomorrow night. She owns the local bakery and has welcomed Addie into the Guardian Valley fold like my wife was born and raised here.

Deciding to save my sister from hearing about Addie and I’s sexual exploits, I step into the kitchen and immediately wrap my arms around Addie’s expanding waist.

I promised my wife babies, and that’s what she’s getting—starting with the one resting safe in her belly. She’s five months along, so we figured we should have a belated celebratory wedding reception combined with a baby shower, which is why the main house’s kitchen looks like a dervish made of flour and sugar just rolled through.

“Hey, Samantha, have you been up to the old hunter’s cabin lately?” The question is why I’m interrupting their fun in the first place. Levi mentioned seeing lights on at the vacant cabin the other day.

“No. Why?”

“Levi thought he saw activity up there. But maybe it was sunlight reflecting off the windows or something. I’ll ride up there soon to check things out.” The journey could be hiked within an hour, but why waste time strolling through the mountains when a horse could get me there and back quicker?

Especially when I have a pregnant wife waiting for me at home.

“I hope everything’s alright...” Addie bites her lip, her nose scrunching to readjust her glasses since her hands are covered in flour.

After fixing them for her, I kiss her temple. “Whatever it is, it shouldn’t concern you. All you need to worry about is keeping you and our baby safe and healthy. I’ll take care of the rest.”

“Aww... that’s sweet,” Jasmine says while Samantha pretends to gag.

Addie and I share a smile. Our relationship might have started out unconventionally, but it’s no less stronger because of it.

The day I learned my family’s legacy had been sold out from under me, I’d been pissed. Bitter with the world. But it turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to me because it brought Adeline into my life.

My sweet wife.

She hasn’t had it easy since losing her mom then Gran. The way she described it, she lived in a bubble for most of her life before moving to Guardian Valley.

We both needed the shake-up Foster provided when he decided to bequeath his fortune along with this ranch to five strangers. I’m just glad one of them turned out to be the love of my life.

Wonder what that means for the other four...
