Page 58 of Time For Us

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Sweet God.

I’m trembling in earnest now, my knees liquid. “Lucas,” I whisper with strain. “Enough foreplay.”

He chuckles, soft and dark. “Nice try. No way I’m rushing this. You can kiss me, though, while I play with you.”

Fingers splayed over my pelvis, his thumbs trace across the front of my panties. I jerk forward, seeking, but he evades touching me where I want him.

When his head lifts, I take out my frustration by slamming my mouth to his. I can taste his surprise and pleasure as I devour him like he devoured me downstairs. And then he’s right there, his thumbs dipping down, tracing the borders of the soaked lace between my legs.

I gasp, the seal of our mouths breaking just as a finger dips beneath the lace and drags through my wetness.

“All this for me?” he murmurs, spiraling a finger at the opening of my body, spreading me with a sound that makes me blush furiously. It’s not enough—not nearly enough. I drive my body down, wanting penetration.

His finger retreats. “Uh-uh.”

My growl is lost in his mouth. He nips at my lips, then leans back. A second later, my shirt is pulled over my head and tossed to the floor. A second after that, rough fingers tug my bra cups down. There’s a pause, a swiftly drawn breath, then his mouth descends to one nipple as his hand covers the other.

I clutch his head to my chest, panting as his tongue circles and flicks the sensitive skin, squirming at the pinch of his teeth. He cups my breasts together, raining kisses over them, tasting and sucking them into his mouth.

Never in my entire life did I imagine I could orgasm simply from someone fondling my breasts. But I’m close, my core fluttering, swollen and primed for release.

“I’m going to fuck these someday.” I’ve barely registered the words before he shifts, grabbing me and flipping me onto the bed. I land on my back, his arms caging me.

I’ve had enough. I yank his sweatpants over his hips, kicking them down his legs, my hands diving for what I want. He grunts as I fill my hands with him, tugging the soft skin forward and back, swirling one palm over the blunt, flared head.

Much like every other girl in high school who stalked his swim meets, I’ve seen him in a speedo. I always had some idea of what he packed in his pants. But the reality far exceeds my expectations. He feels fucking incredible, and I already know having him inside me will wreck me.

“Naughty woman,” he whispers. “You’d better stop before I come all over your stomach.”

I stop immediately, which results in a soft chuckle. “Lucas.” I don’t even care that my voice is a pitiful whine. “Please.”

“Not yet.”

With little effort, he shifts my body up on the bed while he stays where he is. Hot breath fans over my stomach before his lips touch down, mouth and tongue trekking across my abdomen. I squirm, abruptly self-conscious. The skin on my belly isn’t as firm as it used to be, and it’s patterned with stretch marks. I push at his head, but he grabs my hands and plants them on either side of me.

“Don’t,” he says, gaze lifting to mine. “You’re perfect. Any man who made you feel otherwise should be castrated.”

He doesn’t wait for a reply—not that I have one—before licking a path down to my panties. My wrists are released. My underwear is tugged from my hips. He lowers to his knees on the floor and grabs my legs, sliding me toward his mouth like he’s starving and I’m a banquet.

There’s no time for me to prepare, either emotionally or physically, before his mouth covers me. His tongue spears my center before retreating to circle around my clit. A finger dives inside me, tugging downward, a knuckle curling against a spot that presses a scream against my teeth.

Three swipes of his tongue. That’s all it takes before I’m bucking against his mouth, chanting his name as a universe explodes behind my eyelids.


Celeste in the throes of an orgasm is hands down the most exquisite sight I’ve ever beheld. That I’m the one who caused it fills me with searing pride.

She pants, boneless, legs splayed and one arm thrown over her face, and barely twitches as I pull my finger carefully from her pussy and lick the taste of her from my lips.

God, she’s perfect.

My cock jerks impatiently as I crawl over her and plant a soft kiss on her mouth. She comes alive beneath me, her arms encircling my neck, her eyes opening, afire with want. Her hips buck against mine, and a grin overtakes my mouth at her impatience.

“I’m perfectly happy stopping now,” I lie, peppering kisses across her nose and cheek. “Unless…”

She growls, fierce hands gripping my biceps. Her teeth clamp on my lower lip, leaving behind a sting as she says the magic word, “More.”

Savage need sparks inside me. My mind blanks of everything but the consuming desire to fill her body with mine. Scooping up one of her legs, I shift until the head of my cock meets the wet heat of her center. Fuck. Even the merest contact makes my balls hard and tight.

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