Page 74 of Rise of the King

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“Well, that doesn’t look good,” I said.


“What now?”

“She’s asking if I’m coming to the house tonight for the weekend.”

“Soooo…why don’t you take this opportunity to ask her to come to the city instead? Make something up for why you can’t go back to the house. Blame it on me again. She can’t hate me more than she already does, but then ask her to come here.”

He hesitated. I picked his phone up and offered to do it for him. He just nodded his head.

I can’t come to the house this weekend. Boss needs me here. Any chance you can come here instead?

I set his phone down and waited. There was silence until we got all the way back to the penthouse. We were in the elevator when she finally texted him back. I wanted to grab the phone from him to see her response, but I refrained. His face told me it was a good answer anyway. He grinned when he read her response and hugged me.

“Relationship coach spider monkey, what would I do without you?”

“Not get laid. Clearly.”

The door dinged, signally that we had arrived at the top floor. He bent down and spread his arms for me to jump on his back as the doors opened.

“Oh, hell yeah, I totally earned this one,” I said as I jumped on his back.

The two guards outside the penthouse both gave us funny looks as he walked us down the short hallway to the penthouse. He nodded toward me, “Spider monkey,” was all he said to them, like it was a perfectly reasonable explanation.

Adrik was in the kitchen when Andrei walked in with me. “Where have you two been?” he asked, amused at me on Andrei’s back.

“I had to go to the dress shop to get my dress fitted. I made Bubba take me,” I said, hopping down.

“Oh? All is well, then?” Adrik asked. He had tried to get me to tell him what the dress looked like, but I wouldn’t do it. He was mostly looking at Andrei when he asked the question.

Andrei answered him in Russian, so I couldn’t understand. I saw Adrik’s eyes going wide. I glared at Andrei, who put his hands up and took a step back. “I didn’t tell him what it looks like, spider monkey. I promise!” He was still walking slowly backward toward the door.

I felt Adrik’s arm around my waist and felt his breath on my neck. “He told me I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you the entire night once I saw you in that dress,” he said quietly against my neck.

I sent one more glare in Andrei’s direction. He grinned at me and quickly walked out the door. I turned toward Adrik, moving my hands to his neck, running them through his hair. “You promise he didn’t tell you what it looks like?”

He smiled down at me, kissing the tip of my nose. “I promise, solnishko. He kept me in the dark as you wish.”

“Good.” I grinned at him. “I want it to be a surprise. I might as well have fun if I’m being forced to attend this thing anyway.”

“If Andrei is correct and I won’t be able to keep my hands off you, then we might not be staying the whole time anyway. It won’t be so bad,” he smiled as he kissed my lips. He pulled back and looked at the stitches over my eye, brushing my curls from my face. “I thought girls like to get dressed up and go out and show off and all that nonsense?”

“Other girls might like that. This girl thinks that’s a lot of effort for nonsense. But I will do it since you’re the favored son of the city. And somebody has to keep the rest of the women off you in public.”

“What other women?” he asked, smirking.

I grinned at him, kissing him. “Good answer.”

I woke up that night with a terrible headache. I hadn’t had any issues since the night of the attack, but now it felt like my head was being split open again. I got up, fumbling around in the dark, trying to make my way to the kitchen. I misjudged where the bedroom door was. I ran into a wall and cursed. Adrik must’ve heard it because he was up right away.

“Solnishko, what’s wrong?” he asked, switching on the light.

I squinted at the light. “My head is pounding again. I was trying to make it to the kitchen.”

He was next to me immediately. “What do you need? Water? You never took any of the pain pills they sent home. Do you want one of those?”

I nodded, closing my eyes harder, holding my head in my hands. It was starting to feel like my skull was being pried open from the inside. He gently walked me back to the bed. “You stay. I’ll get it for you.”
