Page 14 of Twisted Sin

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They were here. My legal guardians were here, and they were trying to take me away. They brought me here to get better and now they wanted me to come home. None of this was fair.

“Where am I going?” I asked, hating how quiet my voice went whenever it came to them.

They continued to ignore me, and the heat in my blood started to rise.“Can someone answer me.” I shouted.

The aides paused and turned to me, startled by my sudden outburst. My parents looked at me as though they didn’t know who this person was, standing in front of them. Dr. Harkness’s lips titled upwards on one side. She was enjoying this.

“Young lady! Who do you think you are?” my mother yelled.

“I am a person who is waiting for an answer,” I declared and held my ground.

My adoptive father John slowly approached me, his steps steady, and it took all my willpower not to step back. He stopped right in front of me, never breaking eye contact. Not a flicker of remorse spanned his features as he pulled his hand back and smacked me across the face. The room went quiet. The only thing I could hear was the buzzing in my right ear.

“You will show respect,” he gritted out. “You are coming home. This place seems to have failed,” he said, while looking back at Dr. Harkness.

If she was offended, she didn’t show it.

“This is best for both parties,” Dr. Harkness said.

“Both parties?” I blurted out.

“We already heard about you whoring yourself out to some Finley boy.” John sighed.

I stopped.Was that why they came to pick me up? Because for once, I was happy?

“I can’t believe you would be so stupid, Barbara. You’ve shamed this family. May the Lord guide you to the light.”

I swallowed.

“We’ll talk more at home.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t want to leave!” I pleaded, tears escaping my eyes now.“I won’t leave him.”

I wanted to see him. Every part of me wanted to see him.

And then I did.

In the center of the doorway stood Finley, beautiful, dangerous Finley. His eyes locked with mine and they held so many unspoken words. Words he didn’t have time to say before two aides grabbed him and hauled him away. I heard his curses disappear down the hallway and I wanted him to come back.

“I’m guessing that’s the boy?” my mother asked Dr. Harkness. “That boy has wrong written all over him. Did you see those tattoos, sweetheart?” my mother remarked.

“He is going straight to hell. He will not drag you down,” John chimed in.

I stood like a statue in the room as the aides continued to pack up my belongings. “Then I guess I’m going too,” I said in a whisper, the words quietly piercing the air.

“What did you just say?” John took a step closer, his cologne overwhelming my senses like a tight grip on my chest.

“That boy is my brother, and it’s too late because I’m already headed to hell.”

The force of John’s blows rocked my head back and forth, each one feeling like a swarm of hornets attacking my face. His voice thundered through the hallway as he screamed at Dr. Harkness.

She tried to calm him down, claiming that the words dripping off my tongue were a lie, but John admitted to her they were true.

Something in me broke between my adoptive father’s yelling and the fact that I was being forced to leave this place. Forced to leave Fin.

A scream erupted from the depths of my being, tearing through the air and silencing even the bravest onlookers. The sound ripped through my body like shards of glass, shredding my lungs with each agonizing breath. I couldn’t tell if Fin could hear it, but if he did, he would know the unbearable pain that came with the thought of leaving him behind.

The aides walked me out of Murdoch Home, forcing my attention forward. Each time I tried to turn around, sneak a peek behind me, one of them would push me forward, almost knocking me off-balance.
