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She knocked softly on the door but didn’t wait for him to call out before she stepped in the house.

Any time he saw Ellen, he felt drawn to look at her, but tonight more than ever. She was like a balm for his soul. She carried two large bags, and Chewy was at her heels.

“Is Chewy okay?”

He nodded. There hadn’t been too many times growing up that Ellen had come to his house. Most of the time, it was him going to hers. But they spent a few different times in the kitchen, cooking for his brothers when one of them was sick, and she’d been over a couple times to care for him when he’d been down with the flu or some other illness.

There was no reason for Chewy to be in the house, and she’d never come in with her.

“She’s asleep?” She nodded at the baby.

“She really likes ‘Blessed Assurance.’”

“That’s what the instructions said.”

It seemed like an odd song for a baby to like, but maybe that was why it stuck in his head. “I couldn’t remember any of the other ones.” He felt bad for not getting up. “I’m afraid to move.”

She told Chewy to lie down on the rug by the door, then she moved through the dining room and into the living room, holding up the two bags.

“I got four containers of formula and four packages of diapers. This is just half of it. I wasn’t sure how long a can of formula would last, but I figured four cans would at least get you through the night.”

He laughed a little. It would more than get them through the night. And he appreciated her making sure that he had plenty. Now he didn’t have to worry about going to the store anytime soon.

“Man. That stuff is expensive.” She peered over his shoulder and smiled at the sleeping baby. “If you don’t mind, I’m just going to set it on your table here, run out, and get the other bags. And then, it looks like you’re good.”

She started walking toward the table, and then she froze. “Oh! I wasn’t sure exactly how old Alice is, and whether or not she is rolling, so I got a pack and play for you. It will work as a crib if you want it to, and that will give you a place to keep the baby so you don’t have to worry about her rolling off anywhere, just in case she’s at that stage.”

“I set her on the counter.”

Ellen’s eyes got big, and her brows went way up. “She didn’t roll off?”

“No. But she was crying so hard she moved herself around a little bit.”

“Did you change her diaper?”

“I’ve never changed a diaper in my life before. I’m going to have to YouTube that too.”

“YouTube that...too? So you YouTubed something else?”


“I see. Well, she must have burped. That’s what that big wet spot is on your shoulder.”

“Yeah. It’s kinda sticky. Is that normal?”

“Spitting up when she burps? Yes.”

“The amount.”

“I’m...not sure. It can seem like a lot, but I think it’s probably okay.”

“Hmm.” He would have to take her word for it.

“I know I shouldn’t stay. But if you want me to hold her while you change and set the pack and play up, I can.” Ellen lifted her brows.

“I really hate to ask you. You’ve already done more for me than a normal person should have to, and I feel like I’m really taking advantage of our friendship.”

“No. That’s what friends are for.” She held her hands out for the baby, and he handed her over gently. She stirred a little but didn’t wake. She’d been snuggled down nice and warm, and settled back as Ellen gently bounced her and swayed at the same time.
