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He put a hand over her hand that rested on his leg. She looked at their hands for a moment, then looked up into his eyes, her own shining with gratitude and appreciation.

It wasn’t exactly the way he wanted her to look at him, but he knew with the news that he had to deliver, it was the best way. It made his heart sad, but he steeled himself.

He knew he was taking a gamble by going out of the country for years. Especially now that she was eighteen and could possibly settle down anytime she wanted to. Although the world would say she was too young, in ages past, people had got married at twelve and thirteen and had been just fine. Modern society encouraged selfishness and self-fulfillment, rather than the biblical mandates of first and foremost being about others and, in particular, a person’s family.

Not popular opinions, and ones he didn’t go around talking about.

Still, he’d have to put the idea of Ellen being anything more than just a good friend to him away for now. He would be faithful, and hopefully, she would be too. But if she wasn’t, he had to trust the Lord, the same way he encouraged her today to trust God for Chewy’s benefit.

Another little nose appeared as the first baby wiggled and wobbled its way to Chewy’s side. Soon another chubby little body had slipped into the world, and Chewy leaned around to lick it off too.

Each puppy that was successfully born caused Ellen’s smile to grow bigger. He enjoyed watching her, just sitting back and seeing her excitement and appreciation and the love she had for her dog.

Because of the work he did and the fact that he was never in one place for very long, he had no pets. It was nice to come and see Ellen with hers. Truly he thought the four years he’d spent in business was enough, but Ford was determined to teach him everything he knew. And as much as Travis would like to just come home and be a farmer, he knew Ford knew what was best for him. Ford had been right about everything so far, and Travis couldn’t turn him down.

In the next two hours, Chewy had eight more little puppies, for a total of ten. They all looked like they were going to be different colors, although there was one female, smaller than the rest, who looked like she was going to be marked exactly like her mom.

“That’s your favorite, isn’t it?” Travis said as Ellen stroked the little body.

“She looks just like Chewy. I can’t help thinking that this is how Chewy started life, and that’s probably exactly how she looked.”

“I have to agree with that. Although, it’s after midnight, and Chewy has to be tired. I am.”

“And I never fed you,” Ellen said, putting her hands on her knees and looking at Chewy nestled up with her puppies before she stood.

“I wasn’t here to get fed,” Travis said, but his protest was half hearted. Every time he came, Ellen fed him. And she was a pretty good cook, although she had fed him a few things that he would prefer not to eat again. Although he would, just for Ellen.

“I hear you. Come on. Wash your hands, and I’ll warm up some supper.”

“Tell me what supper was first,” he teased, knowing that he would eat no matter what she made.

“Country-fried steak.” She laughed a little. “It seems like every time I make this, you show up. I should make it more often.”

He chuckled. “It’s what I ate the last time I was here. You know how to summon me apparently.”

“Apparently. I think maybe I’ll try making it every day and see what happens.”

Chapter 3

Travis shut the water off after washing his hands and grabbed the towel to dry them with.

“About that,” he said, figuring that this was a good opening, although maybe not the best time. He didn’t want to upset her while he still had an hour or so he could stay. Her aunt and uncle would not mind him staying if he couldn’t get out, but there was no reason for him not to leave. And he didn’t want Ellen to get in trouble. Not that they wouldn’t totally understand and welcome him into their home if they were there. It was just the idea that he showed up and stayed the night the one time they left.

“About that? What do you mean?” Ellen said, standing at the door to the mudroom with her hand on the knob as he hung the towel back up.

“Let’s go to the kitchen,” he said, figuring that Chewy deserved a little rest.

He flipped the light off as he left, closing the door behind him and following Ellen to the kitchen where she grabbed a container out of the refrigerator.

“It’s not quite as good warmed up, but it will be food and that’s better than nothing.”

“You make the best country-fried steak I’ve ever eaten,” he said. “I’ll eat it warmed up any day.”

The smile that turned the corners of her mouth up was pleased and happy, and made him feel good to have put it there. Especially since it was probably going to disappear once he told her his news.

“We’re in the kitchen,” she reminded him as she dished some steak out on a plate and put mashed potatoes beside it before she put the plate in the microwave. Then she turned with her hands on her hips and eyed him with a serious look. “I’m listening.”

“Good. Lots of times, I feel like I’m talking to you and your head’s in the clouds somewhere.”
