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“It’s been nothing but glowing reports of you. He’s pleased beyond words with what you’ve done with the opportunities that you’ve been given. But more than that, he extols your character, your honesty, your integrity, and the compassion you have toward others. I might have been concerned that after having a baby dumped on your doorstep, you were only interested in Ellen so that you would have cheap labor, a nanny to take care of your responsibility.”

Travis opened his mouth to protest. He didn’t want Tadgh to think that the baby was actually his. He also didn’t want Tadgh to think that he only wanted Ellen because of what she could give him. But he also wanted to be as honest as he could, and he wondered if he should mention the little boy that had been dropped off that morning. If Tadgh had heard the rumors about the baby, he would certainly hear the rumors about the little boy as well. But Tadgh held up his hand, stopping any protest.

“I know that’s not the way it’s been. I didn’t really need you to tell me that you’ve been in love with her for the last eight years, in order to know that you aren’t just looking at her as a meal ticket.”

“No. Never.” He almost laughed. He had plenty of money. He could afford to hire ten nannies if he wanted to.

“Because Ellen would work herself into the ground for you. I’m sure you know that.”

“Yes, sir. I do.”

“But I have the feeling that you would do the same for her. If I didn’t think that, it would be a lot harder for me to give my consent. But, I think you’re a man who will take care of her. But not just that, I believe you will cherish her the way she’s meant to be cherished. You have my permission to court my daughter.”

Just like that.

Travis had to stand there for a minute. He thought he was going to have to get into the fact that he had two children that weren’t really his, but that were his responsibility, and Ellen was probably going to be helping him with them, and that he was going to have to try to convince Tadgh that neither one of them were actually his. That he really had been faithful to Ellen. But Tadgh hadn’t even questioned the fact that he was faithful. He just assumed it.

Gratefulness that Tadgh had looked at his character, and not at his family or at the rumors of the town, but had instead, seen the best in him, welled up inside of him, closing off his throat. To the point where he could barely talk.

“Thank you sir. I don’t believe that one person can make another person happy, but I do believe that I can create an atmosphere where she can thrive, and I know for a fact that I can love her better than any other person in the world. I’ll spend the rest of my life proving that.”

“I believe you will, son.” Tadgh’s eyes were serious. His look intense. “You’re getting the very best girl I know. But I do believe that I’m getting the best son-in-law I possibly could. I’d love to have you be part of our family.” Tadgh held out his hand.

Travis stared at it for what felt like a very long moment. All of his life he hadn’t felt like he belonged anywhere. He longed for a dad, someone to teach them how to be a man. He longed for his mother to love him, and he never felt accepted by her, or wanted for that matter. And here was this man, looking at him and seeing the best, allowing him to have his daughter, and telling him he would love to have him be part of his family.

It was almost too much.

He took his hand, shook it, and said, “Thank you.” The words just didn’t seem adequate, but he couldn’t say anything more.

Maybe Tadgh understood that, or maybe it was just how he was, but instead of letting go of his hand, he pulled on it, pulling Travis to him, putting first one arm around him and slapping him on the back and then pulling him close in a bearhug. Which Travis returned. He appreciated this man, and knew it was only because of Ellen that he was in his life.

He had so much to be grateful for, grateful to the Lord for all of the opportunities, to Ford for caring about him, but most of all, for Ellen.

There were times over the years where he was lonely, alone, and where he might have been tempted to try to find someone else. He never had, and he did not regret being faithful. Not one bit. Especially at that moment, he was thankful that he had determined in his heart from the very beginning to be faithful. Things could have been a lot different if he hadn’t.

As Tadgh’s grip loosened, and they stepped back, he thought maybe Tadgh wiped a tear from his eye, but couldn’t say for sure. He clamped a hand on his shoulder and said, “Come on. Did Ellen know what you were asking me?”

“I told her I didn’t think I should kiss her until I’d asked your permission.”

“Have you kissed her?” Tadgh asked, as he stepped down off the porch.

He wanted to lie, but he couldn’t. That would be wrong. Plus, eventually Tadgh would figure out the truth, and he would think even less of Travis for not being able to tell the truth to begin with.

“Twice. The second time was better than the first.”

Tadgh laughed.

“It’s the practice, and that’s the way a good relationship is. I know every time I kiss my wife, it gets better. She claims it’s because we’ve practiced more, but I just think that’s the way it is when two people love each other. The relationship gets sweeter as long as you continue to put the effort in that it takes.”

“I don’t know how much effort it’s going to take, but I’m willing to do whatever I need to. After my relationship with the Lord, Ellen is the most important thing in the world to me.”

“I actually believe that son. And I think you will. You can spend a lifetime trying to be the best husband possible, and you’ll never reach the end of your potential. Speaking from experience.”

Chapter 23

Ellen stood with Daisy, scratching her ears. Daisy had been one of the foundation cows of her herd of almost fifty Highland cows. It was hard to believe she’d been raising them for over ten years.

Still, it was spring, and there wasn’t much to do regarding feeding them. They were on pasture, and all of them had calved earlier in the year. The calves were tagged and banded and it wasn’t yet time to give them their vaccines or worm them.
