Page 26 of Damien

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He gently places me back on the ground and takes several large steps away from me.

“I shouldn’t have done that.” He mumbles as he paces back and forth. “Shit.”

He shakes his head several times as he heads for the classroom door.

“Damien, wait.” I say as his hand wraps around the doorknob.

I whisper as my heart breaks and tears form in my eyes. “Please.”

Time stills as he stalks over to me. I hold my breath; afraid he might turn away and not continue this.

Gently, he cups my chin and presses his lips to mine.

This kiss feels different.

It’s soft, slow, and lacking in passion.

“What’s going through your mind?” I murmur against his lips.

He presses his lips against mine, and for a moment, I think he will not answer. But he pulls back and says ever so softly, “I want you. All of you, and that scares me.”

My mind immediately skips over the part where he said he wants me and goes straight to the last couple of words.

He’s scared?

I never would have guessed.

Why is he scared that he wants me?

He wasn’t afraid when we were with one another for the entire week of spring break. Is this because I am his student?

I sigh and clear the thoughts from my mind.

“How about we just take our relationship one day at a time, and then we will see what happens? We aren’t talking about marriage here.”

Although, while on the Cape, I was almost certain that I could love and marry Damien.

Not right away, but in the future.

I give him a chaste kiss on his stubbled cheek, and he pulls away.

Where did the carefree, loving romantic guy go?

He wouldn’t have any issue kissing me or doing more right now. He would be eager to boss me around and tell me what to do, all naughty things, of course.

He lets out a heavy sigh. “It’s more complicated than that.”

Complicated because I am his student?

Or complicated because he has someone else waiting for him here?

Neither situation should matter if we both truly love one another.

“It doesn’t have to be complicated. Not right now. Not tonight.”

That seems to light the fire in him. He quickly goes to the door, closes it, and clicks the lock in place.

In the next swift moment, he unrolls a yoga mat and lays me down on it, covering my body with his.
