Page 29 of Damien

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Mara slips her phone into her back pocket. “Whatever you say, Grandma.”

“One day you will thank me for being responsible and thinking about our future.” I drag her out the front door.

Chapter Seven

I’ve never been one to purposefully attend parties thrown by fraternities, especially right after a break.

They are notorious for getting out of hand and having campus police called.

The party is already in full swing when Mara and I arrive.

Beer cans, toilet paper, and other trash litter the lawn as the music vibrates through the air and students come and go.

“Just remember, we are leaving at eleven thirty.” I mumble as we approach the steps to the fraternity house.

Mara stops walking and turns around to face me. Her mouth drops open a little as she furrows her eyebrows. “Are you already ditching me?”

“No, I figured you were going to ditch me for your date and wanted to give you a friendly reminder.”

She scoffs and heads to the front door. “I won’t ditch you unless you don’t want to hang out with us.”

“We’ll see how the night goes, because I want you to have enough time to get to know him.”

I don’t want to feel like the third wheel if she’s going to be huddled in the corner making out with her date, but I also don’t want to be left alone with a bunch of people I don’t know.

And who will most likely be drunk off their asses.

I’ll keep an eye out for Mara and make sure she doesn’t drink too much or do something stupid, but I refuse to be a babysitter for other students.

Mara and I push through the crowd of students who are standing in the foyer and head to the kitchen.

She grabs a couple of bottles of beer from the large cooler in the middle of the floor and opens her bottle before opening mine.

“Thanks.” I say as she hands me one bottle.

“No problem. We have to drink responsibly. Three drinks max because we have class early tomorrow morning.”

It’s not like I am the one that drinks excessively. Out of the two of us, I’m the more responsible one.

Mara likes to use the excuse that we are young, so we should live it up every day.

I just want to concentrate on school and my classes so I can graduate and get a decent paying job.

“Yeah, if he doesn’t cancel it because he already said the first week is pointless.”

Mara’s eyes glaze over as a small smile forms on her face.

I know that look.

It’s the same look that crosses my face every time I think about Damien.

It’s a look full of love.

Is Mara seriously crushing on our English professor?

What about the guy she is meeting here?

“Uh, oh.”
