Page 59 of Damien

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He glares at me, expecting me to put the pieces together.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

Give him a chance for what?

“A professor! You are dating a professor! How could you stoop so low as to date someone that is supposed to be your mentor?”

How did he find out about Damien? Did he see us together today?

“A professor is someone that is supposed to guide you to make good decisions about your future. Not someone who takes advantage of the situation or of you!”

His voice booms throughout the suite, and I know our neighbors can hear him if they are home.

My voice is loud, my tone defensive. “First off, what research did you do that led to this discovery? How did you even find out? We haven’t really been together since we’ve been back from break.”

Besides the night we hooked up in his classroom, and this afternoon, Damien and I haven’t been alone.

I continue, “And second, he isn’t taking advantage of me. I’m a grown ass woman and I can date whoever I want!”

He ignores all of my questions and just says, “I have my sources.”

“Sources? This isn’t a newspaper article or an English paper. How did you find out?” I repeat the question.

Speaking of English, my mind wanders to Mara and Seth.

If Jake ever found out about the two of them, he wouldn’t hesitate to out them. At least he came to me first.

“I had cameras installed at the beginning of the school term to keep us safe and after I confessed my feelings for you, I checked the cameras. I heard the conversation with Mara, and then I saw your mystery man.”

Fuck. I forgot about the night on the front porch.

I interrupt and cut him off. “Cameras? That is such an invasion of privacy, especially since we had no clue about them.”

Oh my God, what if I did or said something embarrassing and he’s been watching all along?

His anger subsides a little, and he looks like normal Jake.

“I never snooped until that night. I was heartbroken and needed to know why you weren’t interested in me.”

“I wasn’t interested in having a relationship with you because I had fallen in love with someone else. Plus, I have only seen you as a friend. What we had was strictly platonic.”

But that friendship is long gone. The trust went out the door the moment he told me about the cameras.

He stares at me, the anger still flickering in his eyes.

I take a chance to ask another question. “So, why are you so mad today when you saw me and Damien on camera a long time ago?”

He starts pacing back and forth in front of the long forgotten television.

“After doing some digging into who the mystery man was, I found out that he was a professor here. And after finding out his name, I was able to easily find his class schedule.”

He throws his hands up in exasperation. “To my utter surprise, I saw that both Mara and you are in his Monday and Wednesday class!”

“Uh, huh.” I say in a noncommittal tone.

“Well, then, I found out through the grapevine, aka, the cameras that you and him were once again having problems. Stupidly, I got my hopes up. This was supposed to be my chance to make things right between us.”

He pauses his pacing to look at me.
