Page 100 of The Lies That Shatter

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“Come for me. Come all over my cock, sweetheart,” Finn grinds out through gritted teeth, as he slams his cock into me hard one more time.

That’s all it takes to push me over the edge, and my orgasm hits in the most mind blowing way. My back arches off the bed asmy body trembles in a way it’s never done before. My pussy walls clamp around Finn’s cock, holding him in place, as I scream his name loudly.

“Finley.” His name sounds so perfect falling from my lips.

Finn grunts as his own release hits, his cock emptying deep inside me as he cries out. He holds me tightly as we both ride out the aftereffects of our shared orgasm. My juices flood around his cock, as he empties his cum deep into my pussy, filling me. Claiming me in the most primal way.

We kiss each other slowly as we try to catch our breath, wrapped up in each other’s arms, not wanting to let go. When we finally do come down and I stop seeing stars, neither of us can keep the ridiculous grins from our faces.

“I love you,” Finn whispers into my ear as he presses a kiss against my sensitive pulse point.

I place my hand on his cheek, ignoring the scratch of his stubble—that I quite enjoyed feeling between my legs—and pull his gaze back to mine. I capture his lips again in a slow, sweet kiss. “And I love you.”

After a few minutes of just laying together, pressing gentle kisses against each other as his cock slowly softens between my folds, we allow ourselves this moment of peace.

Finn breaks the silence, his words barely above a whisper. “Thank you for coming back to me.” His words are filled with so many unspoken things.

He’s not just thanking me for coming back to him today, for fighting the darkness to return to him. He’s thanking me for coming back to him after I was kidnapped. For coming back after he pushed me away eleven years ago. He’s thanking me for never giving up on him. Even though I know he needs to say the words, I don’t need to hear them.

“I will always come back to you, Finn. You’re my home, and you always will be. I want to build a life with you. I want to getmarried, have kids, and carve out a future together. We don’t have to do it all right away, but I want you to know that I’m all in. You are it for me. There will never be anyone else. As long as we can leave all the lies behind, only happiness awaits us in the future,” I reply, with no hint of uncertainty in my tone.

Expressions of love fall off our tongues easily as we kiss and hold each other, talking about the future we want to have together. We talk about the lives we want to lead and the things we want to do. Our love shines brightly as we mingle our lives together in all the ways that matter.

We fall into each other’s arms, safe in the knowledge that no matter what life throws our ways, we will always have each other. I can live through any scars, as long as Finn is by my side.

If you thought the Doughty house was chaotic before, it was nothing compared to the last month since war was declared. It wasn’t until a few weeks after I began opening up to Finn that he told me all about what actually happened leading up to my rescue.

At first, I wasn’t ready to hear the details, and he knew that. He sheltered me from the life his family leads, and I was quite happy with that. But as my confidence grew, and I regained the strength I had before, I stopped wanting to be kept in the dark. It took a few more days, and some well-placed blackmail blow jobs until Finn finally told me everything.

He explained how Bree had moved up her plans for world domination so they could rescue me. She was always going tomake a power play for the whole of the UK, as that’s the only way for her to take down The Aristocracy and end the human trafficking business here, but she didn’t plan to move this quickly.

She declared war, and all the powerful Families across the UK were told to choose sides, as Bree made it clear that anyone who was not an ally was simply in her way. The feisty redhead has never looked as terrifying as she does when she’s talking about declaring war.

Finn also told me all about why Whitlock is still alive. I’ve tried to block out a lot of what happened that day, but I remember him mentioning Teigan. Whilst I can’t be sure the brunette I saw that day was her, we all know there’s a very good chance it was. And it’s easy to see the pain etched on Evan’s face every time I see him.

He’s stayed in London since that day, taking another of Bree’s spare rooms. Every day he’s seemed a little more on edge, a little closer to losing the battle with his anger. He wants to find and rescue Teigan, we all do, but we can’t locate her, and I know that’s driving him crazy.

Kellan barely leaves his office, scouring CCTV footage continuously for any sign of her, but he keeps coming up empty. Bree has been interrogating Whitlock, in an effort to learn as much as she can, but he has us all over a barrel. If she hurts him too much, he won’t ever tell her where Teigan is. Right now, he’s our only lead to finding her, and we may have no choice but to make a deal with the devil to set her free.

Whitlock did eventually give Bree a name, someone she can contact to get started on the negotiations. The plan is to exchange Whitlock for Teigan, but nobody trusts him enough to just let him go and hope he will return her when it’s all over. So, he’s put Bree in touch with one of the leaders of The Aristocracy—The Sheriff.

Although they have very little information, from what I can tell, The Aristocracy is a secret underground society, made up of people who deal in the flesh business. They trade, auction, and sell people, for all manner of reasons, though most are probably sexual. It’s not just women, it’s men and children too, of all ages. They aim to provide for anyone’s sick, twisted fantasies.

The Aristocracy is made up of several anonymous leaders, all hidden from each other to provide an extra layer of security. If one leader is taken down, they can’t expose the others, and the society can continue to function as it always has.

Obviously there will be a leader at the top, though nobody seems to know who that is, or how many of them they are. For now, all Bree can do is work on taking them down, one leader at a time.

The Sheriff contacted us sometime last week, and he provided video proof that Teigan is still alive. She spoke the date into the camera, looking just as broken as the day I saw her in that room.

Bree returned the favour by sending a matching video of Whitlock to confirm we hadn’t killed him. Though it was a close call when Evan saw the video. It took Liam, Finn, and Kellan to restrain him until he calmed down.

He even punched his father in the face just yesterday for putting her in this position. We were all stunned, as Evan has always been his father’s loyal servant, never questioning his motives, or even speaking a bad word against him.

I’ve never seen Liam look at his brother with more pride than he did when Desmond hit the floor, a look of pure shock on his face.

Evan issued everyone with an ultimatum; that if they didn’t arrange a swap soon, he would do it himself, and fuck all the consequences. He’s been holed up either in his room or at the home gym ever since. Working out his frustrations while everyone gives him a wide berth.

Tonight, we all agreed to sit down as a family, to celebrate Mia and Kellan’s good news. Even though their pregnancy hasn’t been a secret since that day, they wanted to wait until after their first trimester to really celebrate—just in case. Neither of them have had a lot of luck in their lives, but now they finally feel in a position to get excited about their news.
