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Time to turn on the charm.

As soon as she reaches my side, I place my hand on her back and lean in. Normally I kiss her on the cheek, but today my agenda forces me to gently place my lips against hers. I try to block out the image of Mac that pops into my mind, and the loud voice that screams about them being the wrong lips. Like I don’t already know that.

Mac may have repeatedly told me to do whatever is needed to achieve our final outcome, but that doesn’t stop me from feeling like a massive asshole while I’m doing it.

“Hi…you look stunning,” I say as I pull Mel against me for a hug. Her tense posture lessens slightly, and her smile seems to become a little more genuine.

“Thank you. You look…nice, too,” she says, as her eyes scan over my body.

For a moment, as she hesitates over the wordnice, I worry I’ve made the wrong choice. But as her eyes linger over my arms, that look more muscular thanks to the fit of the shirt, it’s clear she likes what she sees.

It takes all of my energy and acting skills to be pleasant with Mel. I’m still fucking reeling from the stunt she pulled when she followed Mac. She definitely didn’t do herself any fucking favours in my eyes, and now I’m having to listen a lot more closely to McKenna’s suggestion that Mel might be more dangerous than I thought. I’m still not sure, but my eyes are more open than they were.

Once we are seated in the booth, as we order our drinks and peruse the menu, we make small talk, picking up where we left off on our previous dates. Whilst she’s no McKenna, Mel isn’t difficult to get along with.

She has things she’s passionate about, and she’s always keen to ask me questions about myself. She's not totally consumed with her own world that she doesn’t want to hear about mine. Sadly, the lies flow easily, and I tell her all the backstory I carefully crafted and assembled, with the sole intention of reeling her in.

My past, my personality, my hobbies…they were all created with one goal in mind—to win over Melanie, and thankfully, they seem to be working. Each date we get closer, and it doesn’t take a genius to see that she’s into me. As the night goes on, and the wine flows, she becomes a lot more relaxed…walking straight into my plan.

We order a piece of chocolate fudge cake for dessert to share between us, which is easier since we’re sitting together in the booth. Mel really wants dessert, but she believes in watching her calories and not eating too many sweet things. So she persuades me to order, so we can share. I can’t help but think what McKenna would have done in this situation.

I didn’t have to think too hard though, because I know her almost as well as I know myself. She would have ordered the biggest fucking piece all to herself, not giving a shit about the calories, since she probably just ate a massive juicy burger before it, anyway. Then she’d order the lemon meringue pie for me, because she knows it’s my favourite. Whereas Mel doesn’t even ask me if I like chocolate fudge cake.

I push all thoughts of Mac from my brain as I scoop a piece of the cake onto my spoon, and in the most romantic way possible, I lean over and feed it to Mel. Cheesy, I know, but I’m supposed to be turning up the charm.

I deliberately get a little chocolate sauce on the side of her lip, so I can lean over and gently run my thumb along her lower lip to clean it off. She gasps, holding her breath as I run my thumb over the corner of her mouth, a gentle blush spreading across her cheeks.

With the small piece of chocolate now on my thumb, I keep my eyes fixed on hers as I bring it to my mouth, before licking the discarded chocolate with my tongue. A soft moan escapes her as she leans forward a little, placing her hand high up on my thigh under the table. Gently, she raises it higher, her small grip travelling so far up, I can feel the ghost of her touch against my cock. If I were hard, she would’ve made contact already.

She leans forward until her blush pink lips are right beside my ear, her breath tickling my skin as she whispers to me. “I think we’ve waited long enough. No more postponing or distractions. Would you like to come home with me?”

Without giving me the chance to reply, she presses a kiss against my neck before lightly tugging on my earlobe with her teeth. My brain is screaming that this is the last fucking thing I want, while my dick continues to hibernate—having made an unconscious decision to only surface for McKenna—but I force a fake smirk and continue with the plan.

I take her hand in mine, lacing our fingers together as I give her a cheeky wink. “I think I like the sound of that…a lot.”

Before I can ask our server for the bill, Mel informs me she has a tab at this particular restaurant, and today’s meal is on her. I probably should feel emasculated. I used to argue with her about this, stating I should pay if I invite her on a date. But we both know she’s got alotmore money than me, and given the fake job she thinks I do, she knows I’d probably struggle to afford a place as fancy as this. So I dropped this particular argument a long time ago, though it still irks me everytime she pays without even asking me.

Once we make it into her car, her driver, Kev, makes sure to put up the privacy partition so we can’t be seen, and Mel doesn’t bother with her seatbelt so she can slide closer to me. As soon as she’s at my side, she smashes her lips against mine before plunging her tongue inside with no build-up.

One of her perfectly manicured hands grips hold of my shoulder, while the other glides up my thigh, cupping my very uninterested cock.

I kiss her back, trying to close off my mind to all the thoughts that are threatening to invade, that will ruin the plan. I keep my hand on her side, on the edge of her bra, close enough for Mel to read my intentions.

Her little whimpers confirm my acting skills are convincing enough that she believes this is real, but if she keeps trying to paw at my dick, she’ll see I’m not at all interested in her, which will give the game away.

Gently, I take hold of her wrist and pull her off my crotch. She stops kissing me, pulling away with a pout. “What’s the matter?” she asks, her eyes narrowing at me suspiciously.

I rack my brain, looking for something to say. “Let's wait until we get to the house to take things further.”

“Why?” she snaps.

Cupping her cheek in my palm, I run my thumb along her cheek, trying to smooth the wrinkle that’s forming from her annoyance.Must be time to repeat the Botox,I think to myself as I chuckle in my head.

I’m trying to stall while I think of something convincing to say…then it hits me. “When we get started, I won’t be able to stop. I want you to enjoy it so much that you can’t help but scream and shout my name, which is something you definitely won’t be able to do with Kev in the front seat. I want to hear you fall apart, and you can’t do that here, so I’ll wait.”

Her eyes widen, and as she begins to squirm in her seat, I know my words have had the desired effect. Her lip quirks up into a smile, and the passion from a moment ago returns, heating up her eyes. “I like the sound of that.”

Even though she doesn’t put her hands back on me, Mel continues kissing me, and I do my best to reciprocate, whilst keeping my mind closed off.
