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Before the situation can descend further into chaos, Bree shouts and gets everyone’s attention. Kian and Kel both look embarrassed when she uses her authoritative voice to silence them and get them both to sit down.

They look like chastised children as their eyes drop to the floor and they mutter apologies. Red must have seen that I wanted to say something, and now that the room has quietened down, she motions for me to speak.

With all eyes on me, I ask the question that’s been echoing around my brain since Kellan showed me the footage earlier. “Do we have enough information now for me to stop being undercover?”

I hold my breath, not daring to hope that this shit show might actually be nearing its end. I allow myself a moment to think of McKenna, and the life we will get to have together when the lies and secrets aren’t in the way.

Red’s eyes flick between Liam and Kian, who both have the same unsure expression on their faces. This decision is on Bree, and I know she won’t make it lightly. She pauses for a moment; her eyes scrunching like she’s doing a really complicated maths equation in her head.

“Can you stay under for one more week? Shane has the big meeting with Whitlock next week, and Brandon will be there too. We need to know why Bran has been meeting him in secret. There’s something more going on, and I want to try and find out what that is before we pull you out.

“I’m sure now we have the bugs in place, all will be revealed in the run up to the meeting, but if something were to happen to the cameras, and they need replacing, you need to still have access.

“I know we’re asking a lot of you and McKenna. Can you give us one more week? We’ll continue to keep you both safe, I promise,” Bree explains, wincing when she asks me for more time.

I let out a huff, though I had an idea this would be the response. While it’s not what I was hoping for, at least we nowhave an end date. The countdown can commence. “We can give you another week.”

“It’s not like you have to stay away from Mac now, either. Not since you two are clearly already together,” Kian adds with a wink to accompany his cocky grin. He’s the only guy I know who can get away with shit like this.

I splutter for a second, wondering how the hell my family knows when I’ve never told them directly, but really, I shouldn’t be at all surprised. They all look at me with weird, happy grins that I can’t help but match. “I know it’s probably dangerous for us to be together right now, but it just sort of happened.”

Liam’s short laugh grabs my attention. “It didn’t exactly ‘just sort of happen’ though, did it? You two have been pissing around for nearly twenty years,” he adds, which causes everyone around to chuckle.

“It’s true. You followed her around like a lovesick teenager, but refused to do anything about it. We had bets on if your blue balls would fall off while you were waiting for her,” Kellan adds, somewhat unhelpfully.

“I had my reasons,” I mutter, though a lot of them seem irrelevant now.

If I were to think about the years I wasted not being with McKenna, it would drive me insane. I’m just glad we’ve finally got here, and in one more week, we will be together in every way imaginable—forever.

“When this is all over, you can introduce us to her properly. I can’t promise these idiots won’t embarrass you, but I’d like to get to know the newest member of our family. I imagine she’ll be sticking around?” Red phrases it like a question, though we both know it’s a statement.

McKenna isn’t going anywhere. If she does, I will chase her to the ends of the earth and bring her home. I’ll spend every day ofthe rest of our lives proving to her how much she means to me, making sure she never regrets her decision to be with me.

“Oh yeah. Now I’ve got her, I’m never letting her go,” I admit, a slight blush spreading across my cheeks as my family smile and cheer.

“What’s with all the Doughty men being possessive assholes?” Bree chunters, more to Mia than anyone else.

Before Mia gets the chance to respond, Liam lifts Bree from her chair and pulls her into his arms. She quickly throws her arms around his neck and her legs around his ass, so he doesn’t drop her—not that he would. “Admit it, Princess. You love me being a possessive asshole,” Liam growls, as he walks towards the door next to me, Bree still in his arms.

“You’re such a fucking caveman,” she mutters, as Liam motions with his eyes for me to open the door for him.

With a roll of my eyes, I do as he instructs, then I stop listening just as Liam begins telling her all the things he’s going to do to her. Our meeting breaks up pretty quickly after that, and I only have one destination in mind as I head to my car.

I need to tell McKenna we only have one more week, then we can start the rest of our lives together properly. I have so many ideas for where to start, but as long as she gives me forever, we can take it one day at a time.

I’m so used to Finn coming over now, it feels almost natural. I’ve stopped the mad, frantic rush around before he’s due, where I clean every visible surface and push all the clothes that are usually thrown over the chair in my bedroom, into a cupboard.

Don’t get me wrong, we’re still new enough that I feel I have to prepare myself—shower, shave my legs and armpits, style my hair, and put on a tiny bit of make-up—but I no longer care about my flat. In all honesty, I don’t think he even pays much attention to the room we’re in. I’m his sole focus, and I’m quite happy with that.

Tonight, he doesn’t give me much warning before telling me he’s on his way over, and I barely have time to change and makemyself look semi-presentable. Luckily, I showered when I came home from work, which definitely worked in my favour.

I take one look at the PJ set I’m wearing and decide not to bother changing. It’s a black vest top with small straps that shows off my cleavage well, and the matching black shorts stop just above the swell of my ass cheeks, highlighting my curves perfectly. No point changing into something else when I know Finn will find this sexy. He’s only going to take it off anyway.

From the minute I let him in, I know I’ve made the correct decision. He slams the front door closed behind him and whirls me around, pushing my back against it. For a moment he remains still, the only movement coming from his eyes, as he rakes his gaze over my body. His normally light blue eyes darken as he reaches my curves, and a shiver ripples through me when his expression turns hungry.

“Like what you see?” I ask, trying my best to sound sultry.

His lip raises into that smirk he seems to reserve just for me as he takes a step towards me. “I definitely do, sweetheart.”
