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“For the next twenty-four hours, all I ask is that you give this your fullest consideration. I promise that none of you want me as your enemy, but I understand you will have to make the choice that’s best for your Family, as I am doing for mine. Thank you for attending this meeting. Until tomorrow.”

Before anyone has the chance to speak, Kellan cuts the feed. I can only imagine the sheer chaos that call will have created all over the country, but I can’t bring myself to care.

“Now that we’ve kicked up the vipers’ nest, let’s go and cut the head off the snake,” Red sings, her eyes bright with excitement.

“Lets go over the plan one more time, and as soon as Evan gets here, we can leave,” Liam adds, always the practical one.

We’ve been going over the plan since Kellan found the location. We’ve assessed the blueprints, and we have a rough idea of how many people will be inside. We all know our roles. We just have to get there and put the plan into action.

We’re so close to ending this, I can almost feel it, and my heart races as I try not to think about all the things that could go wrong. I can’t allow the darkness to descend.

McKenna needs me, and I’m going to fight to the fucking death to bring her home to me. Those assholes are going to rue the day they dared to lay a finger on my girl.

If I thought the fear of finding myself alone in this room when I first woke up was bad, it’s got nothing on how much my brain deteriorates the longer I’m left here. Now that I know Mel and Mortimer are responsible, and what they’re capable of, my mind has become as great an enemy as they are.

My thoughts are riddled with worst-case scenarios, and the longer they swirl around, the more the darkness consumes me.

I try to think of Finn, to believe that he will stop at nothing to rescue me, and for a while, that’s enough. But as time drags on, and my mind spirals, the negative thoughts consume everything. I convince myself that even if he finds me, it will most likely be too late.

Mel has made it abundantly clear what the outcome of this will be. You know you’re in a shit situation when you’re actually sad they don’t plan on killing you. Because the truth is, death might be kinder than living with the physical and emotional scars of what they plan to do to me.

Melanie was very clear, whoever wins me in this sick bidding war, their only responsibility will be to destroy my looks and my pussy, making it so no man—specifically Finn—will ever look at me again. And the more I replay her words over and over in my head, the more dire the situation feels.

I’ve never thought of myself as a vain person, yet the thought of looking ugly and deformed scares the shit out of me. And I don’t even want to think of what the sick bastard will have to do to me to destroy my vagina in such a way.

As the darkness swirls around my mind, all I can think about is time. How I didn’t get enough time with Finn. We didn’t have time to live out all the sexual fantasies we talked about. We wasted eleven years being apart, when we could’ve spent that time together. Now I’m counting down the minutes until someone comes in and ruins me forever. Then time will tick by until Finn finds me, and my world will come crashing down.

Finn’s the sort of person who would stay with me, despite the damage that will have been done to me. He’s a good guy like that. He’ll tell me the scars and the trauma don’t matter to him, that all he wants is me. And for a while, I’ll probably let him take care of me. I’ll need him to get me through the nightmares that I’m sure will plague me. But we will be living on borrowed time.

He deserves better than to be with someone who is tainted, the way I will be. So, I’ll give myself a little time to be selfish, and then I will do the right thing. I’ll push him away, so he can go and live a happy life.

A stray tear slides down my cheek as I grieve for a future that hasn’t even happened yet. But I know that’s how it will have tobe. Finn is too good a guy to leave me, but I won’t be the same girl, and he deserves better.

I didn’t think I could cry any more. I cried so much when Mel left that I thought I’d run dry, but apparently not.

My body feels numb, like it’s trying to prepare me for the horrors to come, by dulling all my senses. The burn of the ropes around my wrists and ankles has subsided, and I can barely feel them anymore. The scraping of my throat from where I screamed until my voice was raw has eased, only the dryness now makes swallowing difficult. My heart is no longer racing, and has instead lowered to an almost snail-like beat, as though it’s not sure it can be bothered to do more than the bare minimum. Even the nausea has subsided, and I’m just left feeling empty. Alone.

When the door swings open, I take a resounding breath and try to reassure myself. There’s no point panicking or screaming, as no good will come from that. I know I can’t fight my way out of this situation, and so I have to come up with a new plan—a better one. The only thing I have left is indifference. I’m hoping if I remain a blank mask, showing no fear, they will get no pleasure from what they’re about to do to me. I’m hoping they’ll get bored and leave me alone. It’s the best plan I have.

I’ve lived with enough sick, twisted people throughout my life to know that they get off on the reactions of their victims, just as much as the act itself. They want to hear the screams. They want you to beg them to stop, despite knowing they won’t. They want to know they have control over you in every way possible. So if the only way I can fight back is to remain indifferent, then that’s what I’m going to fucking do.

No matter how much I’m dying inside, or how much I’m screaming and begging for mercy in my head, they will get nothing from me. No words, no screams, no emotion. And I justhave to hope like hell that’s enough for them to lose interest. I simply have to find the strength to follow through with the plan.

Mel’s clicking heels are the first thing I hear, but I note another set of footsteps with hers. Lifting my head up slightly so I can see into the doorway, I make sure to keep my face an emotionless mask as I look at who it is. I’m not even a little shocked to see Mortimer Whitlock standing beside her.

“Well, well…looks like you are a very naughty nurse, McKenna.” Mortimer chuckles as he walks closer to the bed, that evil smile on his face.

“Fuck you,” I sneer, trying to make my voice sound stronger than I feel.

His chuckle grates on my nerves, but Mel captures his attention with a hand on his arm. “Are you sure you want to do this, Mortimer? I have several people out there that are willing to pay a lot of money for her.”

My eyes widen as I try to make sense of what she’s saying. Is she not selling me any more?

“I don’t care about the money. I have plenty of it, as you well know. No…she is something money can’t buy,” he says, licking his lips in a way that brings the nausea back.

“Fine then, you can have her, but only if you agree to the terms of our arrangement.” They’re talking about me like I’m not even here. Like I’m part of a business contract they’re negotiating.

That’s when it dawns on me. Mel isn’t selling me to other men, she’s selling me to Mortimer instead. Now the fear really starts to get in. Before, I was worried about the unknown, which is scary, but when you know exactly what a person is capable of, what they’ve done to others, that knowledge is crippling.
