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Keaton’s grip on my other arm tightens and a crease forms in the center of her brows as I pick up pace. She lifts her hips, chasing the building orgasm, and when I think she’s close, I slide my two middle fingers back inside, working her sensitive bud with my palm.

“Oh fuck,” she cries out, and the feeling of her pussy fluttering beneath my touch as I make her come is enough to drive a man insane.

I stroke her through every wave until she falls back against me, heaving through the bliss of her orgasm.

We sit there for just a minute before I pull my fingers from between her legs and re-button her jeans for her. My fingers are still slick with her release, and I almost wipe them across my leg, but then think better of it and bring them up to my mouth.

“Mother fuck,” I groan as the taste of her spills over my tongue. “Baby, you taste so fucking good.”

I’m just about to lean down and kiss her neck when she stiffens, and I know I’ve somehow taken this too far, lost in the moment.

“Uh… we should, umm… let’s head back,” she says and pushes the door open, stepping out and climbing into the other car before I even know what’s happening.

“Keaton,” I call her name, but she starts the car, drowning me out in the roar of the engine.

Then she drives off, back toward the garage. Practically leaving me there with my dick in my hand.

What the fuck?

I start my car and drive after her, a million questions sitting on the tip of my tongue.

Chapter 37

What the fuck am I doing?

What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?

I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I feel like a crazy person right now. I wanted that. I did. I’m the one who started it, and I know that. But God, I shouldn’t be doing this right now.

I just got the invite to a huge race coming up in a few weeks. A race where I can win some real money and get my family a little further out of this hole we’re in, and here I am, goofing around with some guy.

Okay, so Bodhi isn’t just some guy. I know that. But we just…

The thought has me flushing, heat pooling in my belly again, the feeling of his hand between my legs still alive with every step.

But I should have been practicing for real. Not playing. I need to focus, and I’m over here every chance I get, not taking shit seriously when I should be. Especially now with all of this shit leaking over from Las Moreto.

I do not have time for this. I can’t be in a relationship right now. I have too much shit to worry about, and as much as I like Bodhi, I can’t have this distraction.

The way I wanted to lose myself in him inside that car… I almost let that go too far, too fast. Hell, that probably was too far.

“Damn it,” I shout, slapping my hand over the steering wheel as I pull up to the outbuilding and park inside one of the empty bays.

I feel so stupid knowing how confused Bodhi probably is right now. All the talking we did over the last few weeks, resolving what issues we had. At least, I thought we had.

But leave it to me to get in my head and screw everything up. I’m so fucking embarrassed right now I could cry.

I run my fingers back through my hair, yanking on it at the roots as I let loose a growl.

I need to get my things and just go home at this point. Cut him loose before things get any more serious. But just like last time, the thought of walking away makes me sick.

I step out of the car only to find Bodhi pulling up right beside me. He jumps out, slamming the door behind him, eyes wild. It’s a look I don’t think I’ve ever seen on him before, and I’m momentarily shocked in place.

“What the hell was that?” he asks, throwing his hand in the direction of the track.

“What?” I snap, my defenses going up.

“Don’t play dumb, it doesn’t suit you,” He sneers, looking just as agitated as I am. Probably more with the condition I left him in back there.
