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“You know my birthday is next month,” Stanford says.

Crew pauses and glances at Nathan. Nathan gives him a slight shake that says that’s not true. Crew still grins at Stanford. “Let me guess, you want more cookies when I come back to visit for your birthday?”

Stanford nods. “Yes! But also…maybe you could sign something for me. You’re one of my favorite players too.”

Crew looks surprised. Then, making my heart melt, he blushes. He actually blushes. “I would be honored to sign something for you, Mr. Armstrong.”

“Call me Stanford.”

Crew tips his head. “Okay. See you soon, Stanford.”

Crew turns to head out, with Michael falling in step beside him. Nathan and I are right behind them. I feel like I need to have my arm around Nathan right now. These visits always take a lot out of him, and I love the realization that I actually make him feel better.

When we get to the car, Nathan reaches up and claps Crew on the shoulder.

Crew looks over with a brow up.

“Thanks,” Nathan says simply.

I wait for Crew to tease him or say something flippant. Instead, Crew pulls Nathan in for a bro hug. He pats him on the back and says, “It was my pleasure.”

Then Crew climbs into the SUV.

Nathan takes a deep breath. Michael gives him a smile and also gives him one of those one-armed-half-hugs that men do. “Thanks for letting us come along.” Then he rounds the vehicle and gets in.

Nathan is just standing there, and I tug on his coat sleeve. “Hey.”

He looks down.

“You okay?” I ask.

He takes a deep breath and then nods. “I’m…really okay.”

I smile and lift up to press a quick kiss to his lips. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

I start to turn toward the SUV to also get in, but Nathan grabs my hand and tugs me back to face him. He lifts his hand to my face. “I really love you, Dani. Thank you.”

I frown. “For what?”

“For…being my family. For showing me that I wanted that again. For making me see that I could have it again when I didn’t believe it.”

I feel my eyes stinging slightly. “Thank you for letting me. And for being open to this family.”

He glances at the SUV. “They were really great.”

“They love you too.”

He takes a deep breath and nods. “Yeah. I’m…”

“What?” I ask.

“Actually looking forward to the next couple of days. Meeting all of your families and everything.”

I laugh. “You say that now.” I lift up and kiss him on the cheek, then turn for the SUV. “But no matter what happens, you can’t get out of this now.” I glance over my shoulder at him and give him a wink. “And you have to bring Crew and Michael back to see Stanford for his birthday next month. You know Crew won’t forget.”

