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“Where would you like these, sir?”

I turn to find my doorman, Christopher, holding two of the biggest poinsettias he’s ever seen. I know, because he told me so when they were delivered. The other doorman, Pete, is holding a third, awaiting my direction.

I sigh and then gesture toward the RV. “Inside. Somewhere.”

“See?” Crew calls from the doorway of the monstrosity. “A regular SUV would have never had enough room for all of us, our suitcases, and those damned plants.”

I’d decided to show up at each house with a poinsettia. So sue me.

“Not to mention, we’re gonna need room to stuff Dani’s stockings later,” Crew says, giving our girl a big wink as he climbs into the driver’s seat.

She giggles, and I frown. “What are you talking about?”

“Sex, Nate,” Crew deadpans. “I’m talking about sex.”

I take a deep breath, then blow it out. “You think we’re having sex in this thing?”

“Well, we’re not going to be able to at Dani’s mom and dad’s,” Crew says as he starts the engine. “She gets kind of loud.” He grins up into the rearview mirror at her. “And ball gags feel like a New Year’s thing.”

“Oh my God!” Danielle exclaims. But she’s not protesting.

My dick gets a little hard. Dammit, these two teasing never fails to do that to me.

Or Hughes. He’s leaned over, whispering something in Danielle’s ear that has her flushing a deeper red. But smiling and nodding.

“You sittin’ up front with me?” Crew asks me.

I’m just standing inside the doorway, not in the front or the back.

I glance at the passenger seat, then at the seats in back.

“Sit with me,” Danielle says to me quickly.

She knows I’m grinding my teeth together over this whole thing. She holds a hand out to me, and I instantly feel a little tension leave my shoulders.

“I’ll sit up with Crew,” Michael offers, standing and moving to the front.

I exhale and take his seat, linking my fingers with Danielle’s.

“Don’t worry,” she says with a smile. “Lori makes a great brunch, and her mimosas are really strong.”

I huff out a laugh. “I need more than a little champagne.”

“Well, if those aren’t enough, I know where the liquor cabinet is,” she says.

That’s right. She’s been friends with his sister since college. Danielle has been to Crew’s parents’ house before.

Just as that thought occurs, Danielle’s phone dings with a text. She reads it, grins, and calls, “Luna’s waiting for us outside the shop.”

Crew’s sister—Danielle’s best friend and business partner—is riding with us to their parents’ house, where we’ll leave her when we head to Indiana and Danielle’s family’s Christmas.

I take a deep breath. Let the family Christmas chaos begin.



Crew and Luna McNeillgrew up in the freakingHome Alonehouse.
