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“A replica,” I tell him. “But it’s pretty close.”

“Is it yours?” the kid asks me. Then he looks at Nathan.

“God, no,” Nathan tells him.

I laugh. “Belongs to a friend of Crew’s.”

“That’s hilarious.” They both bound down the stairs to go check it out with the hockey players.

“That’s Grant and James. Two of Crew’s cousins,” William tells us. “And this is my brother, Dave.”

Luna rolls her eyes. “Yes, you two can go look at the crazy RV too.” She’s laughing as she nudges her father.

He grins. “Well, maybe just for a minute.”

We stand back to let them both pass as well, watching them join the group of guys checking the RV out from bumper to bumper and posing for selfies by it.

“We should get a big hose and find a bathrobe and pose like Cousin Eddie!” someone suggests.

Crew sticks his head out of the doorway. “Told ya’, Nate!” he calls with a huge grin.

Nathan just sighs and shakes his head. But I know him well enough to see the smile he’s fighting.

“I don’t know how you put up with him all the time,” Luna informs Dani.

Dani’s smiling at Crew and his friends. “He’s…adorable,” she says with clear love in her tone and on her face.

“That’s our line,” I tell her, pinching her ass gently.

She giggles. “Well, his sister might not want to hear that when he acts like that—all playful and full of joy and like a big kid—it makes me want to tear his clothes off and climb him like a tree.”

“Ugh,” Luna groans. “His sister definitely does not want to hear that.” She steps through the open door and calls, “Hey! We’re here!”

"Oh! Hi! William just suddenly got up from the table and a bunch of the boys followed him out of the kitchen, and I had no idea what was going on. I'm so glad you're here!” Lori says, breezing into the foyer. "We've been waiting." Her gaze goes to the open door and the commotion at the curb. “Oh Lord, what are those idiots doing?”

Nathan actually chuckles at that. “It’s a replica of the RV fromChristmas Vacation.”

She lifts a brow. “Crew’s idea?”



She shakes her head, but she’s grinning. “Well, come on. It might take them a bit to get over that, but there’s no reason you can’t be warm and have coffee in the meantime.”

She moves behind me, pulls my coat from my shoulders, and then slips my scarf from around my neck.

Dani is laughing, watching. She’s already handed her coat over to someone, and she’s toeing her shoes off.

Nathan is also being helped out of his coat. He gives me a bewildered look. I just shrug and lean over to untie my dress shoes.

Once we are coatless and shoeless, Lori herds us into the kitchen.

The house smells like maple syrup and bacon, and as far as I'm concerned, that is a fantastic start to any event.

Lori’s kitchen is magnificent. She clearly loves to entertain and designed the house with that in mind. The kitchen flows directly into the dining area, so the people currently seated around the huge dining table are able to visit with everyone milling about the kitchen, drinking coffee and mimosas.

She has two ovens, both of which are currently working, and a wide island covered with platters. Some are filled and some are waiting to be filled.
