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"Do you want to go alone?" Michael asks. “Really?”

Three months ago, I would've said, “Hell yes”. I don't need other people. I'm used to being on my own. I can take care of myself.

That has changed. Quickly. And majorly.

"It's not a fun trip," I tell him. "It's not like the other Christmas trips we’re going to make."

Michael nods. "I'm aware."

Michael has met my grandfather. Hughes was working for the Racketeers before the Alzheimer’s got bad, back when my grandfather still came to the office sometimes. And Michael is a doctor. He understands better than anyone that there are good and bad days— good and bad times—even within the same day.

Danielle has also met my grandfather. She's come with me to visit several times and has experienced many of his moods. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

But Stanford adores her. Even when he's meeting her for the first time in his mind, he quickly warms up to her and finds her charming and lovely.

Of course, he does. She's adorable. She wraps him around her little finger over and over again.

I know exactly how that feels.

Crew is the only one who hasn't met him in person. Crew joined the team after my grandfather was…gone. My grandfather knows who Crew McNeill is, though. He watches Racketeers games when he's having a good day. Everyone in Chicago who’s even a tiny sports fan knows who Crew McNeill is.

Actually, my grandfather would love to meet Crew.

Again, if he's having a good day.

"I just don't want you all to have to go. Danielle and Crew are still sleeping. And we’re having brunch. And you have to be at the arena later—"

“And you’re trying to protect us,” Michael said. “But you don’t have to. We want to be there for you. You have to put up with all of our families."

I give him a half-smile. "Mine is just a little different."

"No family is perfect, Nathan. But the four of us have decided that we’re in this together. The fun stuff and the shitty stuff. Please let me come."

I could probably handle having Michael along. He's a very calming presence. And his medical background means I won’t have to explain anything or prepare him.

I give him a single nod. "Okay."

He turns on his heel and heads for the bedroom to get dressed.

But the next thing I hear is, "Come on, Cookie. Let’s go, Crew. We gotta get up. Nathan needs us."

"What’s going on?" Crew sounds groggy.

"We're going with Nathan to the nursing home," Michael says.

The closet door opens. They all brought their clothes for the next few days when they arrived yesterday. Crew just lives out of his duffle bag, but Michael hangs his clothes up when he brings things over.

"Oh, I didn't know.” Danielle’s soft voice slips out to me.

I feel myself smiling, even though I hate that Michael woke them up.

"He was trying to sneak out without us," Michael says.

"What? Why?" Crew asks.

I hear the rustling of the bed sheets, and I know that they're both getting up.

“Hey, it’s Dr. Hughes,” Michael says to someone.
