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“I wouldn’t be anywhere else either,” Nathan says. “Well, maybe a Four Seasons right at this momentafterdinner with your parents, but only if you were there too.” He looks up at me. “I’m trying really hard. I didn’t say a word when your father called me a trust fund kid.”

I instantly feel sympathetic. He is trying hard, even if he’s being a bit of a grump right now. He’s earned the right. “I know, sweetheart,” I say, bending down and squeezing his arm. “I love you, and I appreciate how much you’re trying.”

Nathan isn’t used to family dynamics in general, let alone my parents side-eyeing him all night. He’s also used to being in control, and meeting all of our families makes him feel very out of control, which is why he walked in and gave a speech designed to ward off criticism. It was his way of trying to direct the situation.

He’s learning that it only really works in the bedroom.

It’s not easy for him, and it makes me love him even more.

“I will sleep on the air mattress for you,” he says. “Because I know it was a huge concession for your parents to allow us all to be here. I’ll take it as a compliment that they’re letting me be in the same room as you.” A smile plays over his face. “Unlike Crew.”

I’m sure my father is enjoying the idea of these two grown,bigmen trying to sleep on this mattress. There’s no way anyone expects them to get any rest. When my dad relegated Crew to the couch, he told Crew he was young, and his back could handle it. “I suspect he thinks Crew is impulsive and might try to fool around.”

Nathan reaches out and slides a palm down my calf. “Little does he know I’m planning to do dirty things to you the minute this house seems quiet.”

That makes me laugh. “Behave yourself. It’s pretty clear that my mother’s concerns and reservations about our relationship are because she’s worried about what other people will think, and she’s worried I won’t have a traditional wedding and family life. I think my father is just horrified that this forces him to admit that I have sex.”

Nathan sobers. “Your father loves you very much,” he says. “I respect that he’s concerned. They only want what’s best for you. But I was very clear that the three of us are what’s best for you.”

I look down at him, my heart swelling. “Really?”


“Thethreeof you?”

The corner of his mouth tips up. “Yep. All three of us. I even called Crew intelligent.”

Michael snorts. “Wow. That was quite the talk.”

Nathan nods. “It was. One of the most important I’ve probably ever had. I’ve never talked to a father about how much I love his daughter. Or told him thathealso needs to treat her right.”

I gasp. “You didn’t say that.”

Nathan frowns. “Of course, I did. I won’t have people making you feel the way you did today. Even if they are your parents.”


He props himself up on one elbow. “Danielle,” he says gently, but firmly. “One of my jobs is to protect you. Kevin and I came to an understanding.”

“Thank you, Nathan,” Michael says. He’s even frowning. “I’m glad you took care of that.”

I look back and forth between them. My father seemed fine when he’d come back in from the garage about fifteen minutes after Nathan had gone out to talk to him. In fact, he’d seemed great. And he’d kissed me on the top of the head and told me he loved me before I came upstairs to bed.

Wow. I don’t know what to do with these men.

Finally, I say to Nathan, “Okay. Now take your clothes off.”

Nathan’s eyebrows shoot up. “Hell, yeah. I didn’t expect you to agree.” He immediately starts unbuttoning his shirt.

“No, I mean, get comfortable so you can sleep. So we can all sleep.”

Michael is in his briefs. He sits on the air mattress.

Nathan rolls to the side from the shift in weight. “Damn, Hughes, how much did you eat this week? Too many holiday cookies.”

“The only cookie I ate was Dani.” He lays down with a sigh.

I slide my dress off, and Nathan gives a growl of approval. Then, before I can react, he’s off the air mattress, earning a curse from Michael, and he’s pushing me down on the twin bed in my bra and panties.
