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Michael passes him his phone back. He’s completely dressed again. “And Cookie, we need to have a conversation tomorrow about this bedroom and all your DIY framed photos, obviously printed off the internet. I had no idea you were such a Harry Styles fan.”

“One D for life,” I say.

Then I look at both of them and start laughing.

Michael gets it. He starts laughing, too. “Liar,” he tells me. “Three is your lucky number.”

Nathan doesn’t laugh. “I don’t get it.”

Which makes me laugh even harder. “You don’t know who Harry Styles is, do you?”

“No, because I’m not a teenage girl in 2018.”



I’m truly feelinglike a kid on Christmas Eve as we sneak down the hallway past Kevin and Mary’s bedroom door, down the steps, and past the Christmas tree in the living room.

Crew’s not on the couch, but I have a pretty good idea where he is.

We don’t even bother to grab our coats on our way out the front door. Dani’s only got a hoodie and some old sweatpants on, along with some slippers she found in her closet. I sweep her up in my arms on the porch, and she’s giggling as we jog down the front walk to the RV.

Nate knocks on the door, then tries the latch. It’s unlocked, and he pulls it open just as Crew appears in the doorway.

His hair is sticking up, and he’s in only his boxers. They’re all black except for the panel in the front right over his dick that has a bright red wrapped gift in the center and saysStop Staring At My Packagein big white letters.

“What’s going on?” he asks.

It doesn’t seem like we woke him, and I wonder if he was having trouble sleeping too.

He focuses on Dani in my arms. “Is she okay?”

Nathan pushes him back and climbs into the RV. “No. None of us are fine. Move.”

“What’s wrong?” Crew looks concerned even as he backs up.

“We haven’t touched each other for hours,” I say, swinging Dani’s feet to the floor and pulling the door shut behind us.

“And there’s an air mattress on the floor in her bedroom,” Nate bitches.

Crew laughs at that. “I couldn’t even cut it on the couch.”

“You’re all spoiled,” Dani says, looking at us all with amusement and love.

“Yes,” I agree. “And now we’re going to remind you thatyouare spoiled and that no touching rules are bullshit.”

“Such bullshit,” Crew agrees, reaching for Dani. But he has to reach around Nathan to get to her, and there’s not much space.

It’s an RV full of four adults, three of whom are big men.

Crew’s already got the thing warmed up and doing whatever RVs do overnight when people sleep inside them. I can admit that camping isn’t something I’ve done, and I have no idea how RVs work, especially RVs that are fifty years old.

But it’s clear Eddie didn't just restore the exterior of this one. While the exterior could double on the set ofChristmas Vacation, the interior didnotlook like this in the seventies. It’s cramped because it’s a damned RV and there are four of us, but it’s definitely been modernized, and the back bedroom area was gutted and redone. There’s a double bed back there now, but it’s not even a queen-sized mattress. There’s not room for much else, but at least there’s that.

And up here in the main area behind the driver’s and passenger’s seats, where the table, kitchenette, and eating bench are, we can at least all stand, though we’re essentially in a single-file line.

Nathan elbows Crew. “I know that hard-on isn’t for me, but I’d appreciate not having it pressed against my ass, McNeill.”
