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"I think we proved with all these Christmases, meeting each other's families, and showing that we are a united front no matter what, that we’re serious. About each other. About this relationship. About doing this long-term," Michael says.

"I definitely am," I say.

"Yes," Nathan says simply.

Dani's blinking rapidly now, but she nods.

"So, it just makes sense that we start looking for a place where all four of us can live. Together. Full-time."

Whoa. That’s…fast.

But I want it. I know that immediately. My chest feels warm, and I hug Dani tighter.

Never kissing Dani goodbye at Nathan’s door? Never going back to my empty, lonely apartment by myself? Knowing when I come home from being on the road, Dani will always be there?

"I'm in," I say.

We all look over at Nathan.

He’s got his phone up in front of his face.

"Nathan?" Dani asks quietly.

He looks over. "My agent says that he can send some listings over to us in a couple of days. We just need to let him know what specifications we have.”

We all look at one another. Michael grins. I say, “fuck yeah," and then add, “hot tub.” And Nathan just puts his phone back in his pocket.

And then Dani bursts into tears.

We all react like we always do to her tears. We all lean in with frowns.

"Cookie?" Michael asks.

I squeeze her tighter. "What's wrong?"

"Danielle," Nathan's voice is firm, but he’s sitting up now.

But she’s shaking her head. "Nothing’s wrong. I’m so happy.” She gives us each a bright smile. “Thisis what I wanted for Christmas."

We all look at her.

Nathan pulls in a breath. "Jesus, why didn’t you just tell us that?"

"Because you all had to get to this point by yourselves,” she says, dashing the tears off her cheeks. “I know that you would've said yes. You all always do everything to make me happy. But you all had to decide this is what you wanted too."

"It is what we want," Michael says, leaning over and kissing her knee.

"Definitely. Definitely want it," I say against her temple.

"Me too," Nathan says, his voice a little gruff. He clears his throat. "But we’re getting a place with four rooms. Even if we don't sleep separately, everybody needs their own space." He looks right at me. "We're not sharing a closet."

I grin at him. "As long as we can share a shower."

Nathan groans. "When you say it like that, it sounds like we’reinthe shower together."

I just wiggle my brows at him.

Nathan narrows his eyes. "You know that's never going to happen right?"
