Page 13 of Seriously Pucked

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“What do you do, Mark?” Nathan asks him now.

“Oh, I’m semi-retired. I had a bit of luck developing some tech and sold the business a year ago. I’m on the lookout for my next project.”

The back door to his house opens and a woman with dark hair steps out. She looks younger than Mark, but is probably in her thirties.

“This is my wife, Marissa, who was my first employee.” He gives us a grin. “She had a thing for the boss since day one.”

Marissa rolls her eyes. “What a charming way to introduce me, honey.” Her gaze sweeps over me and Nathan. “Hi, so you’re the new neighbors. Are you…married?”

I realize she can’t see Dani behind us and she thinks me and Nathan are a couple. “No, not married.” I shift so Dani is visible. “I’m Michael, this is Nathan, and this is our girlfriend, Dani.”

Two simple words–ourandgirlfriend. But put together they make everything instantly complicated.

Her mouth forms an “o” of surprise. She’s clearly about to ask for clarification when Mark sucks on his dab pen and the smoke drifts toward her face. She grimaces and waves her hand vigorously. “Really, Mark?”

“What?” He does an admirable job of playing stupid. I almost believe he has no idea why she’s irritated. “You should all come over for dinner some night. Or at least for a drink after our daughter goes to bed.”

“We’d love that.” I mean it. It reassures me Mark has no judgment and I appreciate it. I’d also love to be able to shoot the shit with my neighbor while we drink a beer at the grill. That’s my idea of having a home in a family-friendly neighborhood and it’s why we moved here.

“Do you have children?” Marissa asks.

Dani has stood up now, the blanket wrapped around her, and she shakes her head. “No kids.”

“We have Crew,” Nathan says dryly.

Dani laughs. “Nathan.”

“Crew?” Marissa asks. “Do you have a dog? Our pug, Gracie, would absolutely love a playmate.”

“Gracie is our daughter, babe,” Mark says. “The dog’s name is Hannah, remember?”

“I did it again?” Marissa exclaims, looking dismayed. “Oh, my God, pregnancy brain is so real.”

“It’s not your fault,” Mark reassures her. “We shouldn’t have let Gracie name the dog.” He looks at us. “She wanted the dog to sound like she could be her sister. Mission accomplished, right?”

“You’re expecting?” Dani asks. “Congratulations! That’s wonderful.”

“Yes, congratulations,” I say, excited at the idea of having multiple kids next door.

This is absolutely what I wanted. A connection with other couples, young families. Except we’re not just a couple, we’re a couple within a larger relationship, but the same principle applies.

Mark and Marissa have what I want with Dani. Marriage. Kids. The house and the dog. Okay, I lied to Nathan when I said I havenointerest in a dog. A dog is on my ‘someday’ list.

“Thank you.” Marissa smiles before tossing another pointed glare at Mark’s vape. He gets the hint and slips it in his pocket with a sheepish shrug. “So who is Crew? Your cat?”

“Or your pet pot-bellied pig? Chicken? Goat?” Mark asks, oblivious to his wife’s sudden alarm.

“I don’t think we’re allowed to have farm animals on this block,” Marissa says.

“What’s the difference between having a dog and a pig?” Mark asks. “They both crap in the yard.”

Nathan laughs.

“We don’t have any pets, farm animals or otherwise,” I assure Marissa.

“Crew is my other boyfriend,” Dani says softly, her chin coming up slightly, as if she’s expecting subtle or not-so-subtle slut shaming to be tossed in her direction.

Protective instincts kick in. I reach my arm out and she steps into my embrace. Nathan kisses her temple. We’re a united front, and no one is going to be rude to our girl on our watch.
