Page 40 of Seriously Pucked

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The second thehotel room door opens and Michael walks through it, I take a deep breath. I’m both relieved and terrified.

His expression is serious. “Hi, baby,” he says. “We need to fly back to Chicago tonight.”

My stomach plummets. “It’s that bad?” I whisper. “I just talked to him and he said he’s okay. Nathan said he’s okay. But I need you to say it.”

“What?” Michael shakes his head, moving past me and pulling out his suitcase and setting it on the bed.

“Please tell me Crew is going to be okay,” I say.

He frowns. “Crew is going to be fine. I talked to Dr. Hamilton and he said it’s a mild concussion.”

I stare at his back. “Oh. But…then why do we have to go to Chicago?”

It flashes through my mind that Michael is still concerned about Crew, because he’s one of his best friends. He just wants to be there for Crew. My heart melts a little at that. I move toward him, ready to pack as well.

“I just got a call from my sister. My father had a heart attack. I need to get to Decatur.”

It takes a second for those words to really register. I turn away from the closet. “Aheart attack? Oh, my God, Michael.” I cross to him and slip my arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. “I’m so sorry.”

He puts his hands over mine and squeezes me in return. “He’s okay. No permanent damage to his heart. But I would like to see him and my mother, reassure them both.”

“Of course. Absolutely.” I press a kiss onto his back. “We’re leaving tonight?”

He’s throwing clothes into his suitcase in a haphazard way that isn’t his usual behavior. He is normally tidy and proficient at folding his clothes. I step away from him to again reach for my own suitcase.

“Yes, I changed our flights to Chicago for midnight tonight.”

I’m stupidly relieved that we’re flying back home tonight. I want, no need, to see Crew with my own eyes. I don’t see how any concussion can be mild. I saw his head connect with the ice. That was a hard hit.

“Then you’re going to Decatur tomorrow?” I pull my clothes out of the dresser drawers and stack them in my suitcase.

“No, I’m going to Decatur tonight.”

I watch him strip off the suit he was wearing at dinner. He’s down to his boxer briefs. “What? Oh.” I frown. “Does Nathan know about your father?” I’m overwhelmed by a myriad of emotions.

Michael doesn’t look worried about his father, but he does look determined to get en route back home. I’m not sure what he needs from me. He’s always the rock in every situation and I’m not certain how I can help him navigate this. Nathan, on the other hand, has been dealing with medical issues with his grandfather for a long time. He would probably know what to say.

Michael shakes his head. “No, I haven’t told Nathan yet. There hasn’t been time.”

“Areyouokay?” I ask, trying to probe just a little. “You must be so worried about Clayton.”

“I spoke to the cardiologist. I feel comfortable with the prognosis and the care he’s receiving.” Michael pulls on sweatpants. “I don’t mean to rush you, but can you get dressed, please? We have to leave in ten minutes.”

“Yes, of course.” I dig through my pile of clothes, trying to find something comfortable to throw on. “Are you sure you’re okay? This is your father.” The reality of that hits me suddenly and I abandon my suitcase and reach out for him.

Michael opens his arms and pulls me in for a hug. I breathe in deeply, always soothed by his scent. He rubs my back gently.

“I’ll be okay, Cookie. Did you eat? We can get you something at the airport if you’re still hungry.” He kisses the top of my head.

“I ate.” Of course, even in the midst of the news about his father, he’s worrying about me. That’s Michael. He doesn’t want to talk about how he’s feeling or what he needs. He’s focused on taking care of me, his mom, his dad…everyone else. “What can I do, Michael?” I press, definitely wanting to help take care ofhim.

He pulls away and gives me a smile, though it doesn’t really reach his eyes. “You can get dressed.”

“Do you want me to go to Decatur with you?”

I’m new to being someone’s girlfriend. I haven’t had a boyfriend since college and that was being in the bubble of campus life. I never even met his family. But now I’m an adult, with grown men as my boyfriends, and I need to be there for them emotionally when I can be. I know Lorraine and Clayton. I’m very worried about both of them as well. I could go, and help Michael even if the thought of going to Decatur feels like I’ll be letting down Crew.
