Page 25 of Brutal Revelation

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Taking the file from his hand, I ask, “Don’t we have people for this?”

I was a shit then. So full of anger and discontentment. The Council was riding our asses hard about what was expected of us and that it was time to fulfill our birthright.

“Wyatt. It would be best if you listened to me, son. This is important,” my father said from his side of the desk.

Rolling my eyes, I open the file, and everything he’s saying disappears.

She was breathtaking, but then it was just lust. I wanted to fuck her. Even more, because I knew it would probably fuck with whatever the Council had planned. After everything that happened to Lev and Owen and the way Sebastian and Wes’s fathers treated them, in my mind, the Fraternitas could kiss my ass, both freckled-covered cheeks at a time.

Lust quickly morphed into obsession. Ariah was fierce, loyal, and selfless. Fuck, she still is.

“I’m so angry with you, Love. So undeniably furious. But as much as my anger runs through me, my love for you runs deeper. And I don’t know if I’m furious at you or at the impossible situation that was thrust upon us,” I confess.

Looking down at her peaceful face, I can’t resist. I pull my camera from my back pocket and snap a picture. The flash momentarily illuminates her nightstand, and I catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye that stops my heart. Snatching it from its spot, I pocket it for later. If I try to look now, I’ll never do what I must do next.

I reluctantly climb out of the bed, walking around so that I can face her. I count every freckle. There are five more than there used to be. I kiss each new one. A light rap at the door signals my time is up.

Lowering my lips to her soft, plump ones, I kiss her with all the tenderness and love I feel. “I love you.” Then I stand and walk from the room without looking back because my legs would never allow me to move if I did.

I close her door, rest my head against the wood, and choke out the words that have been slowly slicing me open my entire journey here, but I know it’s for the best. She’ll be safer here than in Edgewood. My hope is that this is only temporary.

“Goodbye, Love.”
