Page 116 of Beautiful Ascension

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“Tell me why you really were sitting outside, Lev,” she coaxes. The freckles on her face have grown darker as she progresses through pregnancy.

While ensuring Ariah is no longer in the dark and part of making decisions, there’s no reason to repeat any of Samantha’s vile words. So, I choose to tell her the what and only some of the why. “I was releasing the video we have of Samantha from the night we threw the party. She’s been stirring up trouble,” I explain.

Ariah grimaces, processing my words before dipping her chin. “The party where Wes and Wyatt?—”

“They didn’t,” I cut her off, not wanting her to go down that road. “She just thinks they did.”

Crossing her arms, Ariah arches her strawberry-blond brow, and I have to fight not to drop my gaze to her glorious tits.

Have they gotten bigger?

“Ouch! Shit,” I yelp, rubbing the spot where she pinched me before she lifts my chin.

“My eyes are up here. Focus and answer my questions,” Ariah chastises, rolling her eyes.

Licking my lips, I sneak one more peek and then nod. “What did you ask me?”

“What video?”

“The one where she tried to roofie the guys, but Wes and Wyatt poured their drink into hers and covered her in horse nut.”

Her gray irises light in amusement. “Are you telling me you released footage of Samantha Davenport covered in horse cum?”

“It was so much more than just being covered in it.” I turn green at that memory. “She even rubbed one out. It’s not an image I ever want to think of again.”

Ariah’s head falls back as she cackles—full-belly Santa chuckle until she’s red and tears run down her face. “So when she was going around campus bragging about fucking Wes and Wy, it wasn’t them at all.”

I shake my head, “Nope. It was some monster dildo O and Wy bought.”

Ariah lets out another peel of laughter before her mouth snaps closed. Then she unsuccessfully tries to get out of the couch. “What’s wrong?”

“Pee. . . I need to pee and fast,” she blurts out.

Jumping up, I lift her and carry her to the bathroom.

“Out,” she shouts. I’m about to argue that she has no reason to hide but think better of it.

“I’ll be just outside the door if you need me.” I’m met with silence before I hear the toilet flush and the faucet turn on.

Ariah steps back into her bedroom and looks up at me, beaming. “Thank you. We almost had a tsunami on our hands.”

I snort as we walk back to the couch. “If you did, we would’ve sorted it out. Sent out search and rescue.”

“You’re a regular comedian today, aren’t you?” she retorts before clearing her throat. “While we’re on the topic of people who play stupid games and then are surprised when they win stupid prizes. Tell me how that dumb cunt was able to catch you all so flat-footed?”



November 6, 2023

My Forever Girl,

Tonight, we get you back, regaining the power we temporarily lost.

Tonight, we send the Senator, and the sewage cunt troll back under the bridge they climbed from.

Tonight, I’ll get to hold you and tell you how sorry I am for the decision I had to make that led us to this moment.
