Page 162 of Beautiful Ascension

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I release Ariah’s legs and pull out my phone. “On it,” I announce, hitting record just before he takes his first real steps without falling.

Ariah sits on my lap, leaning her head on my shoulder as we watch. Zoey stands and falls but doesn’t let it phase her.

The Bradford and Edgewood stubbornness is alive and well.

“Wes should be here for this,” she says wistfully as Zoey uses the couch to get up.

Humming my agreement, I kiss the side of her neck. “He should, and you know he would be if he could.”

Zoey falls again before her face sets into a scowl that screams Wes, and I snort. Then she climbs back to her feet, holding on until she’s sure.

“I think she’s going to do it,” Owen murmurs next to us.

“There’s a package for you,” Reign says, and Zoey plunks down on her butt. The look she gives him screams retributions.

Laughing, I stop recording, put my phone on my leg, and then take the envelope from him.

“Who’s it from?” Lev asks, walking over with Aidan on his hip. Wyatt quickly follows with a sour-faced Zoey.

I flip it over and see a lavender-colored seal. It’s a skull wearing a jewel-filled crown. Ariah stiffens at the sight.

“There’s an inscription,” I mutter, lifting the envelope closer to read it. “Per mortem vita nova regeneramur ex cineribus una ut.”

“Through death comes new life. We are reborn out of the ashes as one,” Ariah mumbles.

I look up at her. “What?”

“Call the nanny,” is all Ariah says before standing.

Tearing it open, I pull out a written note along with an invitation. I open the note and then read it for everyone to hear.

The Heirs of Edgewood,

You have been tested and found fit to join. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, but you must understand that if you agree to move forward, life for you all will take a drastic turn.

You all have until the end of the month to make your decision.

Think wisely,

The Princeps

“Angel?” Owen questions, his face matching mine with a look of confusion.

“The invitation is to the Tribunal six months from now,” I read aloud.

Wyatt moves in front of her. “What’s going on?”

Ariah spins to face us. She inhales a fortifying breath and then says, “It’s time. I’ll tell you everything.”



“What do you mean you’ve been working with the Novus Ordo Seclorum?” Sebastian inquires.

This isn’t going terribly, but I didn’t think they’d repeatedly ask me the same questions.

Sighing, I repeat, “When I was in Colorado, I discovered my dad and grandfather were having meetings.”
