Page 49 of Beautiful Ascension

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“You know you’ll need to fight the demons riding your back?”

I jolt at the sound of Sebastian’s voice.

“What are you doing here?”

“Moving in. The Council has decided I’m better served here as a grad student,” he replies.

I grunt. “What are they up to?”

“We can discuss their plans later. For now, though, I’m going to need you to work on wanting to be here for yourself,” Sebastian instructs.

“Don’t go all guidance counselor on me now, Bash,” I argue.

He holds out his hand, helping me up. “You need to be whole and not just for her or the twins she’s carrying—for you. Because you deserve it.”

Sebastian turns, striding for the front door, and as I follow him, his words play on repeat. He’s right.

I need to be whole.



“What the fuck do you mean she poked holes in my goddamn condoms in my room?” Wes shouts.

Owen gives a play-by-play of everything he overheard Samantha and Brittany discussing.

“That’s what she said,” Owen shrugs.

Wes’s eyes light with awareness. “Fuck! That night she snuck into my room and sprawled her naked ass across the bed. That’s when she did it.”

Sebastian and Wes share a look.

“What is it?” Wyatt asks.

Clearing his throat, Wes mutters, “The condom Sebastian used at the pig farm was one of the ones from my room.”

Wyatt rolls his eyes, “Oh, is that all?”

“What do you mean, is that all?” I question.

He stands and grabs a beer from the fridge before returning to his seat. “Do any of you care who the biological father of our babies are?”

“Of course not!”

“Fuck no!”

“Why would we?”

“Hell no.”

We each retort with varying levels of vitriol.

“None of that matters. Any kids we have are ours. All of them will have part of her embedded in their DNA. Who the other part comes from doesn’t concern any of us,” I add.

Wyatt smiles. “Then what’s next on the agenda? Because the way I see it, Samantha’s fuck up is absolutely our gain.”

“He has a point,” Owen agrees.
