Page 71 of Beautiful Ascension

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I snort, “It’s definitely more that. She’s the definition of a masochist.”

“The problem is that Samantha’s also a sadist,” Lev states.

Standing, I shake my head. “No, I don’t think so. She yearns to be degraded, even more so when pain is inflicted. Outside of sex, she’s a power-hungry opportunist cunt.”

Lev pauses, assessing my words. “So, you don’t think it’s you she’s after? She’s been obsessed with you for years.”

“No. She thinks she wants me, but it’s the power I represent that she truly wants. I’m an Edgewood. My family name is everywhere, and my father is the head of the Council. Samantha knows attaching herself to me would open more doors than she’s ever dreamed of.”

I leave Lev to stew. The more I examine Samantha’s behavior, the more I see I’m not who she wants. I’m what she needs to get what she wants. The unfortunate part for her is that I don’t want her, and the Bradfords are the true power. Ariah’s return stalled her plans. She still had the Selection to work things in her favor. However, we all fell in love with Ariah, and that fucked her in the ass with no lube. It’s why she resorted to trying to get rid of Ariah, and when that didn’t work, she helped orchestrate Owen’s kidnapping for the second time.

“I never thought of it that way. Sam’s been so in your face about wanting you. I thought you were her endgame, and the power would be a bonus,” Lev explains.

It’s what everyone thought, including myself. “You weren’t alone. We all did. I didn’t start examining Sam’s true motives until we found out how much she was doing.”

Walking over to my window, I peer out at the setting sun—frustrated that yet another day has ended and Ariah’s still out of reach. I know we’re on the cusp of turning things around, but that doesn’t help me now, especially after hearing she’s not well. Each slight against her feels like our doing, and I hate it—I hate myself for my part in it. I’ll do everything in my power to ensure she doesn’t go through her entire pregnancy thinking we abandoned her for a lecherous leech.

My door opens for a second time, and Owen and Wyatt enter. “Are you sure we can’t replace her saline implants with cement and throw her in the pool?” Owen inquires, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall near my bathroom.

“No,” Sebastian replies, stepping inside and closing the door. “At least not yet.”

I rub the bridge of my nose, attempting to hold back my snicker at the imagery. Wyatt makes no such attempt. His raucous cackle fills the room.

“That’s how she has to die. Promise me that’s how she dies. Someone, please tell me we can make that happen,” Wyatt begs, and I lose my fight—we all do.

The whole room bursts into peels of laughter.

“Can you see it? Her tits would become an anchor,” Owen coughs, catching his breath.

“She’d be tits up because her tits weighed her down,” Sebastian jests.

This is almost as funny as what happened at the party over the weekend, but I’m not sure anything will ever pass that. Wiping the tears from the corner of my eyes, I refocus the conversation. “How is she?”

The room quickly quiets. “She’s resting. Her dad let me in to see for myself, but he wouldn’t let me stay,” Wyatt answers.

I clench my fists. My nostrils flare as I grind my teeth. I’m so over this whole thing. “Where is Teagan on the chip?” I growl.

Reaching into his pocket, Lev pulls out his phone. “Seventy percent there.”

My shoulders slump. We’re closer, but we’re still not there yet.

“We still have to play this like Senator Baker and Samantha are in control, but their time’s almost up,” Sebastian declares. “The night at Le Toucher is step one in their ultimate downfall.”

I shake off my sullenness at his words and hope they ring true. Our girl inches closer to her due date each day, and we need to be there to support her through it.



“You can suit up, Jefferson, but you need another week before you can take the field,” Charlie states as he directs me to follow his hand. Then he tips his head, signaling he’s finished.

Huffing, I hop down from the exam table. “You said that last week.”

“Well, considering it was only a couple of months ago that you had swelling in your brain, cracked ribs, and a concussion, I’d say erring on the side of caution makes the best sense,” he replies.

I want to argue, but I know he’s right. I was really hoping to get time on the field today. Football isn’t life to me like it is to Lev, but I enjoy being on the field with my brothers. It’s been too long since I’ve been able to do that.

“Still benched?” Wes asks once I enter the locker room.
