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"That doesn't help narrow it down at all." She laughed. The truly melodic sound carried in the wind and filled my ears with pleasure.

"But, since you insist, I will." I hummed in thought for a moment. "When I first saw you at the coffee shop, I knew you weren’t like anyone I’d ever met. You had this glow to you. You still do, I’m drawn to you Sophia. There's something about you; you’re special.”

Sophia blushed as I told her how I felt. I didn't realize that our fingers had interlocked of their own accord. I didn't mind it either. Her soft hands clasped securely with mine and seemed to make all the bad thoughts go away. It was as though the visit from my father had never happened. As though nothing bad had ever happened.

It was just me, Sophia, and the gentle autumn breeze. I didn't think I ever felt so satisfied.

Chapter Seven Sophia

"Already clocking out?" Patricia, the receptionist, asked as I made my way towards the entrance of the building.

I smiled at her. "Got to get home sometime."

"Have a good night."

"You too. Drive home safely."

I adjusted my purse, pushing it further up my shoulder. Charlie, the doorman, greeted me as well.

The sun had almost set outside the company. I maneuvered my way around the numerous cars and their owners, greeting them with a smile and a wave. Eventually, I arrived at my own.

The small car looked a bit out of place among all the other, more expensive cars. The paint was a bit faded and there were a few dents in the body. I patted the hood somewhat affectionately. At least it worked.

I dug the keys out of my purse, unlocked it, and then dumped my purse inside. I climbed in and pushed the key into the ignition as I locked my door.

I turned the key, but nothing happened. A frown immediately began to form on my face. I tried again and it sputtered loudly for a second, but then went dead again.

"No." I shook my head in disbelief. "This cannot be happening to me right now." I tried multiple times, but the car refused to start.

My irritation at the vehicle spiked. I wanted nothing more than to slam my hand on the dashboard repeatedly until it worked. How many times would I have to take this car to be fixed?

"Car trouble?"

My shoulders sagged at the voice. I already knew who it was before I looked up. Alexander was leaning against the side of my car, a broad grin on his face.

Staring at him, in his starched, white cotton button-up and deep green pants, I suddenly felt a little bit lighter. In no time, despite my situation, my expression mimicked his.

Ever since our trip to the park and the conversation we had, we'd grown closer. In the beginning, it seemed all we did was flirt. It grew in such a short time to be so much more than that. Always flirtatious moments and genuine smiles. He’d always been so calm and sweet. Such an understanding and patient soul. As much as I appreciated every moment we shared, I desperately needed him to rip my clothes off and have his way with me. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't hope it could end up being more than that.

We still had our intimate moments, but they were also filled with jokes and light teasing as opposed to strictly hard kisses and wandering hands.

It was...nice.

I was attracted to Alexander, obviously. The man was the very embodiment of an Olympian god, but over the weeks that we'd been working together, he'd proven to be so much more than that.

He wasn't just a pretty face. He was smart, kind, and funny. He was caring and considerate. I found myself feeling drawn to him even more. Although it wasn't just an attraction; it was something else.

A feeling that I couldn't name yet. An emotion that wasn't familiar to me. I'd thought long and hard about it, but I still didn't know the name.

"No, my car's just refusing to start." I twisted the key just to show it to him.

His eyes twinkled. "That's the literal definition of car trouble."

I shrugged. "Then I guess I'm having car trouble."

He let out a small chuckle. The deep rumble of his laugh, the light in his brown eyes, the curve of his full lips.

That unidentified feeling bubbled over inside but still, the name was lost to me.
