Page 63 of Capitally Matched

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“Let me just close up this box, and then we can fully debrief after we order dinner? Where is the tape? And the scissors. God, this is why I hate packing. I always lose things.”

“Um, Charlotte?” I said, hating how shaky my voice sounded. Charlotte must have heard it too, because she abandoned her search and wheeled back around.

“What’s wrong, Hayden? Oh no, you’re upset you’re staying in DC? Did Duncan make it seem like you can’t say no?”

“No, no, nothing like that.” I shook my head. “I just, um, don’t understand why you’re packing if you’re staying in DC?”

“Oh, that. My agreement with Duncan to stay here is up on Sunday, so like I said, just using the adrenaline to get a head start. I don’t want to spend all weekend packing when we could be hanging out, especially because I’m headed back to Holly Ridge and you all are headed to meet Duncan in Paris for Christmas… Oh God, I guess I need to find somewhere to live, huh? Where are you going to look? It would be nice to not be on opposite sides of the city. I mean, if that’s what you want, I’m sort of jumping ahead here. We really should order some dinner so we can talk. Where is that fucking tape?”

I felt my smile get bigger the longer Charlotte rambled. She wasn’t trying to get away from me. She just didn’t have all the information yet. God, she was cute.

I took out my phone and typed something quickly, hitting send.

“So, I guess that means you didn’t get my text?” mirroring her words from earlier as I put my phone back in my pocket.

“Oh shoot, you texted? I guess my phone is hiding with the tape…”

“They’re both on the dresser there,” I said, pointing.

Charlotte cheered, grabbing her phone with one hand and the roll of tape with the other. I saw her swipe on my text. She read it, looked up at me, and then back at the phone, likely to be sure she read it right.

Hayden (6:06 PM): Stay here and live with me?

I walked toward her. “Duncan’s decided to look for a new place when he comes back to the city next year, something closer to the office, because the guy needs a reason to be more of a workaholic.”

“So, we could live here. Together.”

I nodded. “Something about not wanting to live in his little brother’s sex den. I dunno. I tuned out when I heard him say the words ‘sex den.’” I shuddered as I remembered those words coming out of Duncan’s mouth.

“So, I don’t have to pack? I don’t have to move? And we get to stay together… in DC?”

I nodded. “Though I would request you move things officially into the master. It does have the better shower, you know.”

Charlotte’s eyes filled with unshed tears, throwing her arms around my neck and burying her head in my chest.

“I mean, you can keep using the other shower if it means that much to you,” I joked, wrapping my arms around her and breathing her in.

Charlotte laughed wetly, and she smacked my chest. “It’s just been an overwhelming day, okay? I mean, I left here this morning not sure we would live in the same city in a month, and now you’re saying I get to see you every day and I don’t have to move, after I secured my dream job? It’s a lot for a girl to take in, ya know.”

I laughed, leaning down to give her a peck. “I do know.”

She looked up at me. “This is all wonderful, but I still need to be sure. This would mean you would live in DC, in the city, and be okay with it? You’re not doing it for me or for Duncan? Or even for Preston? But you, Hayden Andrew Brandt, want it?”

“Fucking Hunter,” I ground out, “giving you the power to middle name me.”

She shrugged, waiting for my answer.

“I don’t think it was the city living I had a problem with. I think it was the fact that I was one of millions and still felt so lonely. Having my brothers near helps that, but really, I owe so much of it to you. You make me feel like I’ll never be lonely again.”

Charlotte’s eyes welled once more.

“And I know you said it’s been an overwhelming day, but I hope you can take one more thing. I love you, Charlotte Emma Reid.”

Charlotte’s mouth broke into a huge grin.

“I love you too, Hayden Andrew Brandt. Now kiss me, in our condo, before I lose my mind.”

I bent my head and did just that, only for Charlotte to pull away a moment later.
