Page 2 of Feral Mate

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“We?” Mason asked.

“The Resistance.”

Mason regarded him for the first time with a serious expression. “What’s happened, and why me?”

“There is a research lab outside of Reykjavik…”

“Northern Lights Genome Project. NLGP. My brother works there. What about them?”

“I know that they claim to be doing seed research, but my sources within the facility say that isn’t all they’re up to. They’ve got a secure lab that very few people even know about. I believe they are conducting human cloning experiments. I shudder to think what their ultimate goal is, but I’ve read too many medical thrillers to think their purpose is benign.”

“Ah,” Mason said, recognition dawning. “You want me to talk to my brother—to try and recruit him.”

“No. I’m afraid your brother has a little too much of the boy scout in him. What I want is to be able to send you in as your brother when we can be sure no one will know. The last thing I want to do is put your brother in any kind of jeopardy.” Colby chuckled. “He’s a bit of a nerd and is blinded by all the good NLGP could do.” Mason’s eyes widened, but he said nothing. “I’d be willing to bet you two posed as each other more than once over the years. This would be the same kind of thing, only this time it would be far more dangerous—for both of you—if you get caught.”

“Holy shit,” murmured Mason, shaking his head. “Cards on the table?” Colby nodded. “Hayden, Deke, and I served in the same unit. None of us are what you might call particularly social. The fact is, other than my twin brother, the only other people I see outside of my work are the two of them. Each of us started coming across tidbits of information and rumors that didn’t seem to be connected or make sense…”

“Until it started to, and now given what I told you, it makes more sense than you wanted it to.”

“Generally, Carson and I—due to the nature of our careers—have only been able to see each other twice a year, but you’re right, he’s a boy scout. I think Hayden was the first one who suggested that there was something going on at NLGP. But how would you get me there?”

“I have planes and choppers, and you are an expert paratrooper. I have sources inside NLGP that will allow me to keep tabs on your brother and where he’s going to be at any one time. If we can insert you at critical times for a short period, you would be able to get us critical information we’d never be able to get otherwise.”

“There’s a major flaw in your plans. Despite what people think, identical twins do not have the same fingerprints or retinal scan signatures. I wouldn’t have the access he has.”

“I’ve thought of that. I have someone who can insert yours for Carson’s when you’re there and replace them with Carson’s when you leave.”

“Another problem is I’m not a genius like Carson, and the scientific stuff has always been gobbledygook to me.”

Colby nodded. “Yes, but we can teach you what you’ll need. Let me stress again, we will only send you in when absolutely necessary with a clear agenda.”

“Other than that, I’m just supposed to be a lumberjack?”

“I think you know me better than that. Your lumberjack activities will be a smokescreen and cover story; I have other ways I can use a man of your skills. Are you willing to join my little troupe of merry men and women?”

“You have to swear to me that no matter what, Carson’s safety will be a primary consideration.”

Colby stood, extending his hand. “I will treat him as if he was my sister, Kyra.”

“In that case, I’m in,” Mason said, taking Colby’s hand and shaking it.

“Good. I’d like to start your education on some basics now. We’re going to need to insert you before the end of the month...”

Several hours later, Colby watched Mason leave with his men. He knew what he was asking Mason to do, and he didn’t like it but knew it was their best alternative. He felt the shimmer behind him and Hayden North, the hellhound, stood at his shoulder. Colby wondered how long he had been there. The hellhound’s ability to move unseen for short periods of time was useful but unnerving.

“You were right about him,” said Colby.

Hayden nodded. “You’d best be prepared to get Carson out of Iceland on a moment’s notice. I’ll tell you now, if he calls on Deke and me to bring this whole house of cards down around your ears, we’ll do it without thinking twice.”

“Understood, and I appreciate both your and Deke’s trust in me.”

“Who said we trusted you? It seems that for now we fight on the same side. If that changes or if you betray us—any of us—” he said nodding toward the door, “I suggest you dig your grave because one of us will put you in it.”

The shimmer enveloped the hellhound once again, until only the faintest trace of a malevolent grin could be seen.

* * *

