Page 20 of Feral Mate

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The following morning, Emery woke far more refreshed than she’d thought she would be. She took a shower, got dressed, had breakfast, and headed out for the NLGP lab. Today she did have some legitimate research she wanted to do. She could make it look as though she was running some preliminary tests and experiments regarding her theories on gene splicing and replacement of damaged genetic materials from one individual with that of others.

Emery worked for several hours and then made herself a cup of coffee and ventured out into the atrium. She stayed on the well-maintained paths and tried to look as nonchalant as possible. She kept her head in the same position—straight forward, eyes down, but beneath her half-closed lids, she managed to get a good look at each of the other offices that had entrances onto the spectacular courtyard filled with plants, trees and even a babbling brook. Already she was beginning to collect data that might help them escape.

First, though, she had to get Mason well enough to travel. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that turning him into a cave lion was the best option. The medical records she’d been given were not complete, and without those she had no idea how damaged his DNA might be. The superior strength and resilience of cave lion-shifters should prove the best and safest way to ensure his and her survival.

After her stroll through the garden, Emery returned to her office and began running computer simulations for experiments that would—from an outsider’s perspective—appear to be working toward using her genetic theories to create therapies that would cure whatever they had done to him. She intended to ensure that nothing she left behind would help NLGP, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to use any of the things she came up with on Mason.

Finally, after having lunch in her office and appearing to make notes, she headed up to Mason’s room. Spotting two men who looked like orderlies, but who she was sure were guards, made her slow her walk for a step or two. Deciding to brazen it out, she ignored them and reached out with her keycard to activate the lock.

The ‘orderly’ standing closest to the door handle put his hand in front of the lock, blocking her from sliding her key.

“I’m sorry, Dr. Smoak, but access to Dr. Payne has been restricted.”

“That’s probably a good thing, but I’m working on his new treatment therapies and need to be able to monitor him in person and speak with him.”

“I don’t know anything about that. All I know is that no one gets in without the approval of Dr. Perkins, and you aren’t on that list.”

“That doesn’t make any sense. Dr. Perkins is the one who brought me in on this.”

“Then I suggest you speak with her directly. I don’t know what to tell you, Dr. Smoak. All I know is that access to Dr. Payne has been heavily restricted. There’s only three people on the list, and you aren’t one of them.”

“I’m sure it’s an oversight. Why don’t you go speak with her, while I visit Dr. Payne.”

As Emery tried to step forward, the orderly blocked the entrance. “No can do. If you believe there’s been a mistake, I would urge you to speak with Dr. Perkins. Upon her confirmation that you should be added to the list, we’ll have your security access upgraded, and when that’s done, I’ll be happy to let you in.”

Emery could see she wasn’t going to get anywhere with the orderly. She turned on her heel and headed for the bank of elevators that would take her to the top floor where Kam’s office was located. She held her breath as she accessed the secure elevator lobby and didn’t breathe easily until the doors opened. When she pressed the elevator button for the top floor, the doors closed with a soft whoosh and the car began to make its way up.

Once on the top floor, Emery again held her breath as she moved to leave the elevator foyer which was enclosed by thick, bullet-proof glass walls with heavy, locked doors. Again, her card, thumbprint, and retinal scan gained her entry, and she walked to Kam’s office feeling a bit like a dead man walking.

Had Kam somehow discovered that she had copied data? Had she figured out that Mason wasn’t his brother? Did Kam know she and Mason were in collusion? Troublesome thoughts raced through her head as she made her way down the hall. Respectfully Emery knocked on the door.

“Come,” Kam called as Emery heard the electronic lock operated from Kam’s desk click open.

Kam was on the phone and pointed to a chair. Emery wasn’t in the mood to sit so remained standing.

“Yes, yes,” Kam said. “I know what the EnGen team has been saying but I don’t have much faith in their ideas or their abilities after that fiasco in Seattle. Look, we can talk about this later. One of my scientists has taken time away from her very important work to meet with me, and I value her time far more than yours.” Kam didn’t wait for any response and simply ended the call. “Emery, what an unexpected surprise.”

“I doubt it is unexpected or a surprise. I was barred from Dr. Payne’s room. Want to tell me what’s going on?”

From behind the desk Kam regarded her coolly. Emery could see she’d made note that Emery hadn’t taken a seat as Kam had indicated she should do. Hopefully, Emery didn’t appear as nervous and frightened as she was. After seeing some of the results of the experiments that NLGP was conducting, nervous and frightened didn’t begin to cover it.

“Why don’t you take a seat, Emery?”

“Thanks, Kam, I’d rather stand.”

She and Kam regarded each other without either woman saying a word. Emery was sure it was some kind of test or contest, but she was not going to just do nothing. She sensed that Kam did not respect those she saw as weak, and if she was going to get access to Mason back, she needed Kam to see her as an equal, or at least close to an equal.

“You might not know this, but part of my job is the supervision, and specifically, the security of our lower levels and their personnel. Every morning I receive a report of any anomalies that occurred the day before. Care to guess what I found this morning?”

“I can’t even imagine, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to stand here and play games with you. If you aren’t going to answer my question…”

“The logs showed you visited Dr. Payne late last night and then spent some time on Lower Level Two.”

“And so instead of asking me, you just restrict my access to a patient you say needs my help? That’s bullshit, Kam.”

“It’s an anomaly, Emery. I really do wish you’d sit down and explain it to me.”

“I have to tell you, given the way I’m being treated, I don’t know that I care much about your wishes. For your information, I often wander when I’m thinking. I took a walk in the atrium this morning so I’m sure that’ll show as an anomaly as well.”
