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“I’m Mr. Mercer’s driver, Tobias. Mr. Mercer asked me to wait for you and offer you a ride home.” The man shrugs, offering me a warm smile. “Said he felt like walking home and possibly helping an elderly lady along the way.”

I roll my eyes. That man is impossible. My first instinct is to refuse, but I am bushed and my legs are as tired as my brain.

Plus, what’s the harm in accepting? MGM won’t be in the car with me.

I nod to the driver and let him open the car door for me.

MGM might not be in the car, but his scent lingers behind, trapped in the high-end fabric of the seats. His cologne. It smells expensive, seductive, dangerous. Exactly what I’d expect a handsome, powerful, billionaire to smell like.

“Where to, miss?” the driver asks from the front seat.

In a lightning moment of clarity, I predict this to be a plot for MGM to learn where I live, so I give the driver the generic crossroads.

He drops me off at the corner of Broadway and Houston ten minutes later—the same time it would’ve taken me to walk home. I thank him and wait for the black SUV to disappear into the night before I head to my building.

I don’t wear makeup during the day, it’d just melt off in my first morning class, but I still scrub my face clean the second I get home, no matter that I’ve already showered at the office. Hair up in a messy top knot, I take my time applying moisturizer in front of the bathroom mirror.

What is it you like so much, Gabriel?

I shake my head at my own rhetorical question. It’s probably just the novelty of not having a woman fall flat at his feet with gratitude for having spared her a second glance. Must be the thrill of the chase. And once I give in, he’ll get bored in no time.

I clear a smudge of moisturizer from my forehead and free my hair from the top knot ready for bed.

I’ve just snuggled under the covers when a text arrives.

From Gabriel

I’ll have you know I didn’t assist any elderly citizen on my way home

I shouldn’t text back, but the perfect, witty reply just popped into my head.

To Gabriel

I need more. Did you at least litter a little along the way?

Help kill the planet a bit?

From Gabriel

Sorry, no littering to report either

The next text MGM sends is a string of unintelligible characters.

From Gabriel


To Gabriel


From Gabriel

My cat butt texted you

He’s sitting on my chest, competing for attention with the phone

Of course he has a cat.
