Page 107 of A Whisper in the Dark

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He was turned on.

All it’d taken was a couple of comments from Hunter and he had Odin riled up.

“No, but seriously.” Wren leaned in, watching them both closely. “A week goes by and suddenly you’re playing happy couple? Wasn’t he locked up?”

“I’d call it convenient couple,” Hunter corrected, ignoring the way Snow tensed at his side. He shrugged at Wren when the other man glanced between them, clearly wondering what had possessed him to rattle the other Dominus.

It was sick but…Honestly?

“This is foreplay.” As soon as the words left his lips he regretted them. Still, he kept his composure, sipping from the drink lightly as Wren’s eyes went wide.

“You should really stop teasing me now,” Odin warned, only to have his friend make a sound of protest.

“Please don’t.” Wren held up his glass toward Hunter in the sign of a toast. “About time someone gives him a run for his money. Besides, if it was going to be anyone, it makes sense it’s you, Thorn.”

Hunter cocked his head. “What do you mean?”

He snorted. “As if anyone didn’t notice the longing looks you two sent each other’s way when we were younger.”

Right. Because Wren had been there back then, he would have picked up on Hunter’s old feelings toward Snow. It was, however, a bit surprising to hear that he’d caught Snow sending glances back.

“It’s not what you think,” Hunter found himself saying, but then Odin’s hand settled on his shoulder and squeezed once.

“Your reason for coming?” Odin repeated more insistently.

Heaving a sigh, Wren set his glass down on the coffee table. “Word’s gotten around that you’ve been holing up in your little love nest. My spies say Isa isn’t taking the news well. Even his own people are afraid of what he might do. The fact that you’ve been going about your regular routine as of late hasn’t fazed him. Rumor is he’s out for blood.”

“So let him come,” he replied dismissively.

Jita had woken a little over a week ago and Snow had been spending time checking in on him at the hospital. Between that, running Liaand Norra, and whatever plans he’d been working on to fight against Isa, he’d been busy. Whatever Wren was telling him, he’d clearly already been preparing for it.

“Are you sure that’s wise?” Wren asked. “We’re not ready. He overtook you the other night and—”

“What?” Hunter straightened.

“It’s nothing,” Odin said, but he waved him off, keeping his attention on Wren.

“Isa visited,” Wren began tentatively, “and there was a scuffle between the two of them. Odin almost set the entire club on fire.”

“Not true,” he disagreed. “I had it under control. I had him under control.”

“Was that before or after he almost froze you?” Wren clucked his tongue. “You used to be more powerful than your step-brother, but that was many years ago. Since he’s absorbed his mother’s powers, he’s ten times stronger and you know it. That’s why we’ve waited for as long as we have.” He turned to Hunter. “We would have kept waiting if not for Thorn’s untimely discovery.”

“You’re the one who found him, remember?” Odin drawled.

“Yes,” Wren rolled his eyes. “How could I forget? It took me over five years.”

“You helped kidnap me?” Hunter couldn’t hold back the edge in his tone. Sure, there were aspects of his life now that were better than they’d been, his quality of life, for one. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t still upset over having lost his freedom. Over having that stripped away along with all other aspects of control over himself and his situation.

He’d agreed to mate with Odin because there’d been no other options left to him. If he was still on the run, on the other side of the planet, he’d be no doubt hungry and possibly out on the streets, but he’d at least have his own—

Odin’s hand settled on the back of his neck, his fingers splaying to touch as much of him as possible. He merely rested it there, not applying any pressure, but the meaning was clear enough and all it did was make Hunter angrier.

“Easy, Huntsman,” he said softly, smiling when Hunter sent him a glare. “Wren was only doing as he was told.”

“Wren isn’t the one I currently want to punch in the face,” he agreed.

“I’m sorry, I would like a little clarification before this show continues,” Wren interrupted. “Do you two like each other now or not?”
