Page 109 of A Whisper in the Dark

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“Odin,” he said. “He’s all I have left. So if you came here to warn him about something Isa has planned, let’s get back to it and come up with a way to stop him.”

The Snow Dominus was uncharacteristically silent at his side.

“Frost already took my sister,” Hunter told Wren. “He’s not taking anything else.”

“Are you admitting you want me, Huntsman?” He held himself still, not bothering to hide the intensity in his dark eyes.

Even knowing they weren’t alone, he reached out and took a handful of Odin’s shirt tightly in his fist. “You’re already mine, Snow, remember?”

Wren choked on a sip of his drink, sputtering and—thankfully—putting an end to that part of the conversation. By the time he’d recovered, Hunter had let go and they were both back to sitting comfortably next to one another.

“Sorry,” Wren mumbled, wiping at his mouth.

“You were in the process of saying Isa is too strong for me,” Odin drawled.

“Right.” He cleared his throat and sobered so quickly that if Hunter had blinked he would have missed the change. “I think it’s time.”


“We’re out of options,” he insisted. “If Isa makes a direct attack now he’ll—”

“I have another solution. You don’t have to worry about that.”


“It’s true,” he said. “I have a way to become stronger than my step-brother. We don’t need to resort to—”

“Your father isn’t even aware of his surroundings,” Wren stated, getting frustrated. “He hasn’t been truly present in over a decade, Odin. I understand your need to hang on, but you’ve always known it was going to come to this eventually.”

“It hasn’t,” he growled. “I have another way.”

“What way?” Wren flung out his arms. “Tell me. You can’t? Because it’s bullshit. The only way to gain power is by absorbing it straight from a family member, and your father is—”

“Alive?” Hunter had been trying to hold back from interrupting, but could no longer contain himself. “Ander Snow is alive?”

“You did that on purpose,” Odin accused Wren.

“The two of you are obviously together now, for whatever reason that may be, and not that fake dating nonsense you fed to Isa at the gala either. This,” he pointed a finger between the two of them, “is the real deal. You both hate it, but it’s true, so as far as I’m concerned, there’s no point in hiding anything from him.”

“That isn’t your choice to make.”

“What are you going to do about it? Light me on fire?”

“Enough,” Hunter said.

Odin blew out a breath. “Yes, my father is alive.”


“He was snuck out of the mansion and brought to a safe location,” Odin explained. “I started the rumors that he’d died and I absorbed his powers to help keep him hidden, and since I returned years later alive and well, people believed it.”

Including Isa.

“He isn’t himself though,” he continued.

“Brain dead,” Wren put in, holding up his hands in a sign of surrender when Odin made a sound of annoyance.

That meant for over ten years now Ander Snow had been nothing more than a vegetable. It had to have taken a lot of resources to keep him hidden and off the grid, and he wasn’t even in a competent enough state to realize what his son was doing for him.
