Page 114 of A Whisper in the Dark

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What the absolute hell were the two of them doing?

“Isa has yet to fight any of the legally purchased stocks or buildings we acquired,” Vetle said then, dropping his unease at Hunter’s presence. It was unclear how he felt about him, since he always seemed to be on guard whenever Hunter was around.

Hunter had been told that Vetle was there when Odin had stumbled from the forest and had been one of the few who’d helped get him to a safe place before he’d returned for the rest of the Snow Family. He’d watched over them while Odin had healed.

“He’s not going to,” Odin told them. “He didn’t attack Jita or me over that.”

“Then why?”

Hunter held up a hand. “Hey.”

Vetle frowned, but Odin elaborated before Hunter could.

“He was upset about my relationship with the Huntsman. This was his way of trying to get me to end things. He claims he wants the two of us to get back together. He’s even offered to rule the Brumal equally if I do.”

“Do you believe him?” Vetle asked.

“Even if I did,” Odin glared, “I wouldn’t accept.”

“Good.” He nodded and then thought things over before, “Word on the streets is he’s planning something, but no one has any details on what.”

“Wren reported the same.”

“We have to assume it’s something against Hunter,” Corbi cut in. She was more talkative than her sister but still didn’t say more than was ever needed. The two of them had an almost calming presence that Hunter had taken a liking too—aside from those times when they moved like shadows and appeared next to him unannounced to spook the shit out of him. “Though, he has to know he can’t get to him here.”

“What a waste of energy,” Vetle said. “He stood back all these years and didn’t bother challenging you, but he’s doing so now because of jealousy? It’s not like this is the first person you’ve slept with in the past decade.”

“No,” Loni tapped her fingers on the surface of the table and gave him a warning look, “but it is the first he’s shown a real interest in someone. Hunter matters. He’s not just some passing fling or a warm body to fuck.”

Hunter almost choked on an inhale and when all eyes turned to him he held out a hand. As soon as the coughing fit had past, he turned his incredulous gaze on her. “I can’t believe you just said the word fuck.”

He’d never heard her cuss in any capacity before and had considered her the proper type.

“She has a dirty mouth,” Odin drawled, clearly understanding what he meant, “when she uses it. But also,” his eyes narrowed slightly, “since when were the two of you so close?”

“Us?” Hunter moved to rest his hands on the windowsill, crossing his ankles before him. “We’re besties.”

“Please don’t ever use that term again,” Loni stated.

“What? Too playful for a big bad Brumal member?”

“You should stop taunting her,” Odin warned, “before Isa stops being the only irrationally jealous Dominus you have to worry about. Keep the teasing foreplay for me, Huntsman.”

“Do you think he’s discovered a new power source?” Vetle asked, obviously wanting them to get back on track.

“Why bother?” Corbi said. “He’s already the strongest Shout on Sanctum.”

“Everyone in this room is aware of my father’s condition,” Odin told Hunter. “But aside from them, Wren, and Jita, no one else is.”

So don’t go around running his mouth to others about it. Check.

“You told him about that?” Vetle didn’t sound pleased.

“I trust him.”

“Is that wise?”

