Page 121 of A Whisper in the Dark

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Odin glanced away. “If he does I’ll have to comply.”

“You won’t be strong enough.”

“That’s unclear. Wren has yet to get back to me. We could end up waiting a while.”

“You won’t be strong enough,” Hunter insisted. “Call it a hunch or whatever you’d like. The second Isa finds out that you’re trying to meet with the Emperor he’ll make sure it happens sooner rather than later. He has poor impulse control. Curiosity will get the best of him.”

Suddenly, Odin’s eyes narrowed.

“Bring me with you,” Hunter blurted, knowing he’d already figured out where he was going with this. “If it comes down to a challenge, at least I’ll be there and you can drink from me. Maybe that boost will be enough to—”

“No.” Odin straightened, putting distance between them.

“At least consider it—”

“No. That’s final.” He turned to go but Hunter latched onto his wrist, holding him firm.

“If Isa beats you, it’ll all be over. We’ll lose everything, Snow.”

Isa wouldn’t kill him, but he might cripple him. Make it so Odin could never escape him again. He’d overtake him in front of the Emperor and Wren as witnesses and by Brumal law that meant he’d be able to claim control over the Snow Family branch as well. He’d become invincible, and all of their plans of revenge would go right down the drain.

“I won’t let him discover what you are,” Odin told him. “I can’t. If he knew, he’d do everything in his power to steal you and use you. You thought what happened at the Faraway Mansion was painful? That’s nothing compared to what he’ll do to you if he ever catches you again. No, Hunter. It isn’t safe enough for you yet outside of Club Cherry. Think of how many times he’s already walked in here even.”


“Do you want to die?” he snapped.

“Of course not,” Hunter growled back, just as frustrated. “But if Isa gets you I lose it all anyway. Don’t you see that?”

Odin softened some, stepping close once more. He cupped his face, stroking his thumb beneath his left eye. “Have some faith in me, Little Whisper. I won’t fall that easily.”

“Promise you’ll stall,” Hunter said, realizing there was no way of convincing him not to go through with this. “If he challenges you, promise you’ll make an excuse or do whatever you have to in order to put it off until you can reach me first. You have to drink before. That’s non-negotiable.”

He chuckled. “Careful, Huntsman, you’re growing cocky, thinking you can make demands now.”

“I can and I am,” he stated. “I meant what I said before. You pulled me back into this. You’re the one who wouldn’t let me leave when I wanted to. Now I’m here, and I want to be and you’re going to have to deal with the consequences of that. This,” he motioned between them with a finger, “only works if I’m willing.”

For a moment he was silent, staring Hunter down as if searching for the truth, trying to discover if he was being honest or bluffing. When Hunter remained unflinching even under his scrutiny, he sighed. “All right. I’ll stall.”

“Even if it bruises your ego or damages your delicate pride,” Hunter added.

“Yes,” he agreed. “Even if. Happy now?”


Odin frowned.

“I’m starving.” Hunter patted him on the shoulder and jumped off the windowsill, heading around him for the door. He’d only made it five or so steps before the other man was on him, spinning him around and pinning him across the table.

Odin forced his legs up around his torso and leaned over him, warm breath ghosting across the sensitive flesh of Hunter’s throat as he breathed him in deeply and exhaled. “What a coincidence. I also happen to be famished.”

Hunter opened his mouth to protest, but then Odin’s tongue was stroking in deep, his teeth nipping at his bottom lip and all thoughts of food fled from his mind.

He clutched Snow close and tried to ignore the feeling of dread that crept at the edges of his mind about this meeting.

Chapter 13:

As Hunter had predicted, it didn’t take Wren long to hear back from his contact. In less than a week, he found himself sitting at the long bar in the main area of the club. Alone.
