Page 123 of A Whisper in the Dark

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Odin wouldn’t let him leave, but honestly? Hunter didn’t think he’d let him go either.

Which meant setting aside their twisted past and forgetting all about how wrong it was for him to want this. Who cared anyway? Let the judgment come if it did. If someone pointed out how messed up he was to want for his captor he’d simply have to grin and bear it. That’s what it meant to have a choice, after all.

Hunter had chosen this. He’d deal with the consequences.

So, he wanted Odin Snow and he wanted to be with him. He wanted to honor the mating and possibly even grow to be happy with the man. To be a family. That’s what Odin had said. He wanted them to be family. That was something both of them had been lacking for a really long time, and Hunter wasn’t even sure he knew what that meant anymore, but…

It didn’t sound half bad.

“You’ve always had a problem concealing your thoughts, brother.” Someone sat down next to him, close enough that their shoulders bumped. She was at least a head shorter, but her long dark hair concealed most of her features even as she motioned to the bartender to get her a drink. There was nothing particularly outstanding about the way she dressed, in a black jacket and jeans, but her voice…

Hunter would never forget that voice. It haunted half of his dreams.


She shushed him before he could get her name off his lips, still not facing him. “Keep it down unless you want us to be caught.”

“I don’t understand,” he struggled for words, his mind blanking as his heart began to pound in his chest. “Am I asleep? I swear I was awake.”

“You’re awake,” she confirmed, sipping lightly at some blue drink that was set before her.

He hadn’t even heard her place her order. Had been too shocked.

“You’re supposed to be dead,” he blurted in a hushed whisper.

“Don’t sound so elated that I’m not,” she drawled and he immediately back peddled.

“No, this is—” He tried again. “Where have you been all this time? Does anyone else know?” Recalling where they were he turned to glance over his shoulder, searching for anyone who might be paying them attention. If Loni had returned from wherever she’d gone though, he couldn’t see her. That didn’t necessarily mean anything but… “It isn’t safe here. Frost could have spies and if they see you—”

A low beep cut him off and he glanced down to find her subtly pressing something against the metal bracelet locked to his wrist. A small red light flickered once before the device was unlatched.

His eyes went wide. “What are you doing?”

“Getting you out of here,” she said as if that should be obvious. “Now, let’s hurry before someone notices. I set a distraction, but it won’t last for much longer.”

“What?” He was struggling to follow what was going on. “I can’t leave.” He didn’t want to. “Meg—”

“I told you not to say my name.” She got off the stool casually, like she hadn’t just shown up like a phantom and blown up his entire reality with her mere existence. “Follow me, I have a safe house nearby, all we have to do is make it out of here without drawing attention.”

He grabbed onto her arm when she went to move past him, heading toward one of the branching hallways. “Wait.”

“There’s no time. Come or stay, brother. I risked a lot showing up here, but I’m not about to get caught because you can’t make up your mind.” She yanked her arm free. “You want answers? I’ll give them to you. But not here. Not around them.”

She’d always hated the Brumal, and after everything she must have gone through, it was no wonder that hatred had stuck with her.

Hunter watched for a second as she walked away, only snapping out of it when she turned the corner and disappeared left down the hall. Then he got to his feet but…he hesitated. Glancing down at the bracelet on his wrist he frowned. He’d promised Odin he wouldn’t run.

This wasn’t running though. It wasn’t. Knowing exactly where the hidden security camera was located behind the bar, Hunter made sure to look directly at it. He removed the bracelet but twirled it in his hand a moment, sure that the camera could catch sight of it as well. Then he shoved it into the inner pocket of his jacket and stepped back away from the bar.

He let his gaze linger a moment longer, trying to convey everything he was thinking with his eyes alone, hoping that, if Odin returned before he did, he’d see the footage and understand.

Hunter wasn’t running. But there was no way he could let his sister—his alive sister—leave here without him. He couldn’t blow what may be the only chance he’d ever have to see her again and find out what had actually happened to her all those years ago.

He’d follow her, and he’d get answers, and then he’d either convince her to come back here with him or he’d figure out where she was staying and he’d return alone. Either way, he would be coming back.

Somehow, someway, Club Cherry had become more than a cage to him. It was his home.

He kept expecting to be stopped as he slowly made his way toward the exit Meg had taken, keeping his shoulders relaxed and his expression easy so that anyone who did glance his way didn’t think twice about him.
