Page 133 of A Whisper in the Dark

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“How long have you been working on this?” Odin asked, curious how he hadn’t noticed his friend plotting whenever they’d gotten together. Although, it made sense considering they’d mostly been speaking about his problems with Hunter as of late…

“It’s all come together recently actually,” Wren surprised him by replying. “But that’s all I’m willing to say at the moment.”

“Don’t trust me?”

Wren gave him a wry smile and then tapped the front desk to get the attention of the receptionist there. “Where’s Sun?”

Odin frowned. “What are you looking for my manager for?”

“I’ve got to see the man about a fish.” He winked at him.

That made less sense than any other aspect of the conversation they’d just had, but all right. To be honest, Odin was only somewhat interested. Thoughts of Hunter had already started to make him antsy, the need to get back to his Huntsman clawing at his insides until he was shifting impatiently on his feet.

“Mr. Sun should be checking on Dance Room Four, Mr. Shen,” the receptionist, Sammie, said politely. “If you can’t find him there, perhaps he can be located in Bar Six.”

Wren rapped his knuckles against the counter in thanks and then turned to go, waving at Odin instead of giving a verbal farewell.

Clearly Odin wasn’t the only one in a hurry all of a sudden.

He grunted and turned, about to head toward the back hall where his private elevator was located when he caught sight of Corbi rushing to him.

The oldest of a set of twins he’d taken in off the streets years ago, Corbi was usually put together and cool. Now, however, she seemed panicked, a sheen of sweat visible on her brow, strands of her black hair tumbling loose from the tight bun she usually kept together.

“What the hell happened?” he barked before she’d even made it to him, nerves already starting to get the best of him because there were only a few reasons she would be this nervous and none of them were good.

“Sir,” she glanced around them, noting the three receptionists and the few members of the club who lingered in the greeting space with them, “We should take this elsewhere.”

“Tell me now.” He didn’t give a shit who overheard when she was worrying him to the degree that she was. His gaze inadvertently slipped over her shoulder, peering past her down the length of the wide hall she’d just come down. No one had followed her, but he wasn’t sure that could be considered a positive thing. “Where is he?”

She paled and that answered enough.

Odin shoved past her, completely forgetting himself in the moment, and stormed down the hall toward the elevator. Just before he could reach the button on the door it dinged and opened, exposing Loni, Corbi’s twin, standing inside.

Her expression mirrored her sister’s.

He couldn’t even formulate words, opting to stare her down until she cracked and gave him the answers he wanted.

“I looked away for two seconds and he was gone, sir,” Loni dropped her gaze to the floor and kept it there, flinching when the doors began to automatically close and Odin slammed his palm loudly against them to prevent them from doing so. “We were able to trace him to the back exit.”

“What?” That couldn’t be right. “Are you saying he left on his own?”

Odin had feared his Whisper had been injured in his absence, the idea that Hunter could be gone hadn’t even entered his mind. And the fact that he’d walked out willingly…No.

“He wouldn’t,” he insisted.

“The security footage follows him from the bar where Loni left him,” Corbi arrived at his side and started to explain, “down the hall and out the back. There was a person with him, a woman, but as far as we can tell, she didn’t force him to do anything.”

“She threatened him,” Odin guessed.

Corbi looked away. “It doesn’t appear as though Mr. Thorn was in any type of distress.”

“Other than surprise,” Loni corrected. “He looked surprised when the woman arrived.”

“Show me.” The control room was located on the second level where only Brumal members were allowed access. The ride up in the elevator was brief, but the entire time Odin’s mind was on overdrive trying to work through a problem with only half the equation.

Hunter wouldn’t have left him. He just wouldn’t have. Not when things between them had been going so well lately.

“Sir,” Corbi cleared her throat as they got off the elevator and headed toward the large room that housed all security for the club, “is there a chance—”
