Page 136 of A Whisper in the Dark

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Either Isa hadn’t told his men or he didn’t have him…

It couldn’t be possible though. He had to have taken him. They’d already searched all of the hotels surrounding the club, all the back alleys, and the hostels. There was nowhere else Meg could have taken Hunter, especially not if they’d stayed on foot. Besides, there was the blood spatter Vetle had discovered on one of the streets nearby.

Finding blood in random places wasn’t all that unusual, to be honest, but Odin had gone anyway. They’d scrapped the dried flakes off the asphalt and had tested them. It’d been a match.

Hunter had been hurt and there was no telling how bad the injury was. They also had no way of knowing who had inflicted it, but the Meg that Odin remembered wouldn’t have harmed her brother for anything. The only logical step from there was they’d been attacked and taken, and only one person on the planet would be cocky enough to steal the known lover of a Dominus.

“Sir.” As if sensing his wavering conviction, Corbi appeared at his side, crimson splattered across her cheeks and staining the dark material of her shirt. “Nothing here either.”

There was no way for them to get an exact location when the bracelet was inactive, so this was the best they could do, and it wasn’t good enough.

“If we continue on this way,” Loni said from Odin’s other side, “we risk retaliation.”

“Fuck them,” he sneered. “Let them come.”

“Not against us, sir.” She held his gaze when he turned to her.

She meant Hunter. She was worried that something would happen to Hunter if Isa did have him and they backed the Frost Dominus into a corner like this.

Odin swore.

“His temper will get the best of him,” Loni drove her point harder, and she may as well have stabbed him straight through the chest with it.

“He left with his sister,” Corbi reminded them both, still not convinced, which admittedly confused Odin.

She’d seemed like she’d been getting along well enough with Hunter these past few weeks, even if it was nothing like the connection he shared with Loni. The fact that she was this suspicious of him now made Odin both furious and uneasy. He’d never blatantly ignored one of her instincts before but…

They didn’t know what he knew. Couldn’t, not yet. Telling anyone else what Hunter truly meant to him was too great of a risk, and he couldn’t take it even if it meant getting Corbi to see how wrong she was about the Huntsman.

He may have cornered him into it, but in the end, Hunter had mated him. A mated pair wasn’t so easily torn apart.

“We don’t know where she’s been all these years,” Loni stated. “We don’t know who she’s been with.”

“You think she’s working for Frost?” Corbi asked. “You think she’s doing that and Hunter had no idea? They’re siblings.”

“He thought she was dead.”

“He could have been lying.”

“He wasn’t.”

Odin had never seen them disagree on anything to this degree before, but their squabbling wasn’t important here or useful in the long run.

“Hunter Thorn didn’t want to be at Club Cherry, that came from his own mouth,” Corbi said.

“That was before.” Loni shook her head. “He’s different. You’ve noticed.”

She paused and blew out a breath. “One of us has to consider the other side of things. He could have left intending to run off. If that’s the case, we’re playing right into Frost’s hands. These are all lower-level soldiers. There’s no way Hunter is being kept here. What if we were lured here to start a war?”

Isa had declared it, but that’d been the extent of it. This though? This was an actual act, and from an outside perspective, Odin was the one who was starting things off.

But so be it.

“I’m going to take back everything he’s stolen from me,” Odin said. “If he wants me to look like the bad guy? It matters not.”

“It could affect business,” Corbi pointed out. “If the citizens of Ovid think you’ve put them all in danger by bringing a war to their doorstep they may boycott the Red Light District out of protest or fear.”

“Let them.” Odin didn’t care. Right now Liaand Norra didn’t matter, not when there was something far more important on the line.
