Page 144 of A Whisper in the Dark

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Odin knew how Hunter felt about being a Whisper, how it made him feel less than somehow, like it automatically meant he’d need to rely on a Shout in order to get by. That was part of the reason he’d been so insistent the other man pick up combat training again. The other was so he could defend himself. What he hadn’t counted on was Meg rising from the dead and throwing a wrench in everything for them.

After what he’d just endured, how would Hunter react when he finally woke? Would he be angry with Odin, blame him? The only reason Isa had kidnapped him in the first place was to get back at him, after all.

That was the reason he’d done so initially. But if he tried again it would be because of what Hunter was. Which meant spreading the word here and now to ensure everyone knew just how important the Huntsman was to Odin and the Brumal as a whole was of the utmost importance.

“He’s a Whisper,” Odin tilted his head, catching Wren’s gaze with a warning, “My Whisper. Isa, the fool that he is, must not have realized Hunter was already mated to me so he tried to form the bond.”

“Against his will?” Wren sneered. “Idiot.”

“Exactly.” Odin was a little surprised by that fact himself, but considering how impatient Isa had always been, and how strong he considered himself to already be, it wasn’t too big of a reach that he’d jumped the gun.

“How long?” Loni asked after a long moment of silence had stretched between them.

“I’d say a little over a month now,” Wren guessed before Odin could answer. “The two of you were practically attached at the hip for a week straight last month. You were strengthening the bond, weren’t you?”

Mating only took one encounter, but in order to ensure the bond between a Shout and a Whisper was at its strongest, blood exchange between the two was suggested to last for upwards of a week. They could have done that easily enough without sleeping together during the process, but at the time, Odin had been unable to leave Hunter, the sheer possessiveness he’d felt unparalleled by any other feeling or emotion he’d ever experienced.

“He let you do that?” Wren sounded unsure and Odin growled.

“I didn’t force him.” That was one thing he never would have done.

Suddenly, Loni dropped to her knees. “Kill me, sir. I deserve it. I let a Whisper be harmed.”

“You let my Whisper be harmed,” he corrected, hating that he had, but unable to ignore the urge that drove him to do so. “Get up, Loni. I’m not going to take your life. But I am angry, and I don’t want to see you right now. Go,” he flicked his wrist and turned away. “Spread the word. I want everyone to know what Hunter is and who he already belongs to before the day ends. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.” She crawled back a few feet before she finally rose and then practically raced out of the room.

Wren let out a low whistle watching her leave. “Poor thing.”

“Don’t,” Odin said.

“You know it’s not really her fault.”

He blew out a breath. “Hunter is fond of her.”

“You’re fond of her,” Wren reminded. “We both know you won’t do anything to hurt her.”


“Hunter is a big boy,” his voice grew serious all at once. “He wouldn’t appreciate you viewing him any differently.”

“And I don’t appreciate you telling me about my own Whisper,” Odin stated.

Wren held up his hands. “Fair enough.” He shook his head at Hunter’s unconscious form. “He’ll be fine. He’s stronger than this, and when he wakes up, I bet you he’s going to be gunning for blood.”

If he woke up.

Odin didn’t allow himself to voice that particular fear, however, too afraid doing so would make it a reality.

Too afraid to lose the one thing he’d finally been on the verge of obtaining after all these years.


Chapter 7:

“I’ll watch him.”

“Like hell,” Odin wrapped his arm tightly around Hunter’s shoulders protectively and sneered at the other Dominus.
