Page 146 of A Whisper in the Dark

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“He doesn’t know for sure and he won’t want to believe that we’re mated,” Odin insisted. “His arrogance will lead him to assume I was able to get the drop on him and nothing more.”

“You’re willing to bet Hunter’s life on that theory?”

He swore.

“I’ll watch him,” Wren promised. “I won’t leave this room and I won’t leave him alone with anyone, even the doctors if they ask. Hunter trusts me. My being here shouldn’t hinder any of the progress you’ve possibly made staying with him like this. But if we let this chance pass us by, we’ll all be in more danger than we needed to be. Take the mansion back, Snow. That’s the only guarantee that Isa stays debilitated. He’ll heal and when he does he’ll do everything in his power to get revenge. Removing a safe place he can try to do that? It’s the smart move.”

It was, and his friend wasn’t wrong about the rest of it either. This was what Odin had been working toward all this time, what he’d been dreaming of. Snatching back everything that was stolen from him, right out from underneath his step-brother’s nose. And yet…His gaze traveled to Hunter, who remained still at his side.

His coloring was returning, the hue of his skin more that golden color Odin was so fond of, but he still hadn’t woken and that meant they weren’t quite out of the woods yet. If it came down to a choice between the Huntsman and the Faraway Mansion? There wasn’t really a choice at all.

Only, Wren was correct in his assumptions about Isa as well, and how he would no doubt retaliate the first chance he got, and against Hunter.

“He won’t kill him,” Odin realized with a sick twisting in his gut. “He’ll want the only known Whisper on the planet for himself. He’ll try to take him and—” He couldn’t even finish that sentence, the rage, and anguish recalling how close Isa had already come to that very thing burning him up.

“I’ll protect him with my life,” Wren said. “You have my word.”

“He’s mine.”

“Yes, I’m aware. Everyone is, thanks to Loni and your instructions.”

“And the Emperor? What did he say about it?” Odin felt for his friend that he needed to keep close ties with Altz, but that was the deal they’d made, and so far, there wasn’t a good enough reason for them to break it.

No matter how much Wren hated being around the other man.

Sure enough, as soon as he was mentioned, the Hail Dominus glowered. “Being a Whisper is considered the same as being a boyfriend in the eyes of Sanctum law. Our agreement was he refuse to offer Frost aid, but he also won’t get involved with this. Should I convince him otherwise?”

“Don’t bother.” Odin had already known it would go that way. On Sanctum, a dangerous planet known for being run by a mafia, there were stringent laws in place to protect married couples. They could legally file for their partner if anything were to happen and were even allowed to request a protection detail free of charge—so long as they could prove they weren’t in the wrong, aka, mixed up with the Brumal for something stupid they’d done.

The government wouldn’t get involved if the Brumal were “in the right” as they put it. Just another fucked up reason why the rest of the galaxy considered them a lawless planet. Typically, Brumal law was more than enough for Odin, but where Hunter was concerned, he wasn’t willing to settle for anything less than what the man deserved, and that was protection from everyone and everything.

“I’m going to marry him,” he admitted then, stroking his fingers lightly through Hunter’s hair.

“You can call on Sanctum police now,” Wren reminded. “You have them in your pocket.”

Sure, but there was no way of knowing just how many Isa had in his.

“What if he doesn’t say yes?” Wren hummed when Odin didn’t reply. “He doesn’t seem like the type who ever considered marriage before. He could turn you down.”

“He’ll marry me anyway.” If Odin had to make him, he would. This wasn’t like the mating. Hunter wouldn’t have a choice in the matter, and if that upset him? Odin would find a way to ease his anger later, once everything was dealt with and he was certain he was safe.

“If we take care of Isa before he wakes, it might not be necessary,” Wren pointed out, only to have Odin glare at him.

“If there’s a binding contract that exists on this planet,” he stated, “I’m going to have it. With him.”

“You’re already mated.”

“And I’ll bind him to me further. Objections?”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

With a sigh, Odin gently slipped his arm free from beneath Hunter and settled him comfortably onto the pillow, stalling even longer while he adjusted the blankets around him. Right now, Odin was the most powerful Shout on Sanctum, which meant he needed to put that power into action. The rest of his people were still out there fighting and had been all this while. How could he let them remain out there, dying, when there was a very real chance he could handle it and spare them?

Hunter was the most important thing here, true, but at this rate, even if he woke right this second, things wouldn’t be any safer for him than they’d been before Odin had turned Isa into a shish kabob. Less so even since he knew Hunter was a Whisper.

“We need to take care of this fast,” Odin said, finally tearing himself away from his Huntsman to turn back to Wren. “I’ll gather everyone and take Faraway Mansion, you stay here. Don’t let anyone else in the room who isn’t Doctor Cher, and do not leave.”

“Of course.”
