Page 151 of A Whisper in the Dark

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“Stop patronizing me,” he ordered, trying to shove away only to have Odin’s arms tighten and restrain him. A spark of heat in his lower region gave him pause and he glared up at the taller man, annoyed with his reaction amidst everything else going on. He wanted to be angry and sulky, didn’t want to come off desperate, but his dick had other ideas and before long he was hardening, the proof of his arousal impossible to ignore between them.

“You ready for me so easily now,” Odin said, the corner of his mouth turning up in a partial smirk.

“Shut up.”

“It’s true. All I have to do is show a hint of dominance and look at how quickly your body reacts.” He chuckled. “There’s no need to pout, Little Whisper. You want my cock? That’s good, I want to give it to you. But—”

“No buts,” he interrupted.

Odin hesitated, clearly torn. If the bulge in his pants that was bumping up against Hunter was any indication, he was also more than ready.

He just needed a push in the right direction.

“You said you’d do whatever you could to help me forget,” Hunter reminded, not feeling the least bit guilty about playing this card. It’d been weeks since the last time he’d felt Odin’s body on top of his, inside of him, and he wasn’t lying. He wanted to chase away the horrors of that day. Wanted it stripped from his mind and put through a shredder. “He stuck his finger in my ass.”

Odin flinched and then growled, anger sweeping over his features. His hold turned vice-like, to the point it almost hurt, but Hunter didn’t say anything.

“What else?” Odin’s voice was clipped, and it was clearly a struggle for him to ask. “Where else?”

“That was it,” he reassured. “Well, the only place he touched me sexually. You arrived before he could do anything else.”

Anything worse.

“Thank you, by the way.” He held Odin’s gaze, hoping he could convey how truly grateful he was. “For coming for me.”

“I’ll murder everyone who ever dared lay a hand on you,” Odin promised darkly. “You don’t have to thank me, Huntsman. Coming for you is the least I can do. You’re my Whisper. You’re everything.”

Not wanting to touch that serious statement, not sure he was emotionally ready for it, Hunter opted to lighten the situation instead. “If coming for me is the least you can do…” He reached between them and cupped the other man through his pants. “We’ve been standing here for too long already. It’s past time for you to do your duty as my Shout, Snow.”

“Duty, huh?”


“Which is?”

“Fuck me,” he said crassly, then with a bit more vulnerability forced himself to add, “Help me forget.”

For a moment he feared Odin was going to reject him again and insist he wasn’t healthy enough for sex, but then he slowly started backing Hunter toward the bed, his hands slipping around to tug up the ends of Hunter’s shirt in the process.

“Tell me I didn’t get it wrong,” Snow said just as the edge of the mattress bumped against the backs of Hunter’s knees. “Tell me you were coming back to me.”

“You watched the security footage.” He’d known he would.

“You wanted me to know you weren’t running away.”

“Yes,” he confirmed, gathering that was what was holding them up now. “I didn’t want to miss the chance to see Meg again after all of this time, so I had to go. But I didn’t want you thinking I was leaving for good.”

“What if she’d asked you to? If you made it outside and she had a hovercar ready to take you out of the country,” Odin searched his gaze closely, “would you have gone?”

Would he have? If his only surviving family member had somehow miraculously appeared and happened to have a golden ticket out of this life? If he’d been asked this same question two months ago, a month ago even, would his answer have been different than the one he was going to give today?


Before he’d left with Meg, he’d decided to stop running from himself, and that hadn’t changed even though he’d been in a coma for three weeks. What was the point in hiding anyway? What had that gotten him other than dissatisfaction and more grief?

“No,” he said, and there wasn’t even a slight possibility that he was lying. “I wouldn’t have gone with her if she’d asked. I wouldn’t have gone with anyone.”

“Even if it meant you’d be free?”
