Page 153 of A Whisper in the Dark

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“All that time spent fantasizing about you,” he wrapped his hand around Hunter, smearing his precome up and down his shaft with measured pumps of his fist as he spoke, “and it was still nowhere near as good as the real thing. The sexy sounds I imagined you making? Pale in comparison to your actual ones.”

Odin twisted his hand and sparks shot straight down to Hunter’s toes, causing him to moan and his hips to jerk.

“The sight I always pictured,” Odin leaned back on his heels so he could glance down between Hunter’s legs, “not even half as sexy as watching your juices roll down the crease of your ass.”

“Is this your attempt at romance, Snow?” Not that he was hating it. It was actually only making his balls tighten and his dick harden even more. This mix of rough and sensual play was doing all sorts of things to him, and falling back on sarcasm was his default amidst the complicated rush of emotions.

This was sex just like every other time and yet…There was something different about it, something more…intimate. More so even than the day they’d mated. Odin may be reminiscing, but he was also drawing a line in the sand, one that separated who they’d been from who they now were.

When they’d been kids, they’d been young and foolish and driven by base instincts like lust. They’d wanted one another in the way a child wanted the last piece of candy, coveting the sweet hit of sugar only to forget all about it come dinner.

After everything they’d been through since, both together and apart, this thing between them was deeper.

“We aren’t at the Faraway Mansion,” Odin said. “We’re here, in our bed. In our home. I’m about to fill you with my cock and my come, and then later, I’m going to do it again. Not because you’re forbidden fruit, or out of curiosity about what your face might look like not wearing that serious expression you always used to wear, but because you’re mine and I can. I can fuck you whenever and wherever I like, Huntsman, and you’ll spread these legs for me and welcome me into that tight little body of yours willingly. Won’t you?”

That stubborn part of him reared its head and wanted to snap back for the sake of pride, but he caught it and shoved it back down, shifting his hips instead in a wordless plea before whispering, “Yes.”

Odin’s fingers slipped to his puckered hole, collecting sticky drops of precome from Hunter’s still-leaking dick. He traced the outline, smirking when that had Hunter whimpering, and then finally slipped a digit inside, pushing past that ring of muscle.

“It’s been a while,” he reminded when Hunter tried to shift onto him and force his finger in deeper, clucking his tongue.

The pillow lifting his hips helped ease the glide forward, but there was a slight burn and as much as he hated having to wait, Hunter had to admit it would probably hurt a lot if he attempted to take Odin’s massive cock right now.

“I’ll open you up nice and good,” Odin promised, bending to press a kiss to the inside of Hunter’s thigh before he slipped in another finger. He paused when Hunter flinched, giving him a moment to adjust, and then reached down with his free hand to rub against his own swollen cock.

Hunter gasped when he felt Odin lube him more with his precome, clawing at the sheets as those fingers wiggled inside of him, pressing against his walls. Any signs of discomfort dissipated within a few breaths, quickly leaving him a writhing mess, desperately riding three of those fingers.

His neglected dick bobbed between them with each thrust of Odin’s hand, but it was clear the other man had no intention of touching him there again any time soon, a fact that had Hunter emitting another needy moan.

Without warning, Odin suddenly flipped him over, settling him back onto the pillow so that it kept his ass high, his dick caught between the soft material and Hunter’s stomach.

“You have no idea how badly I want to punish you right now,” Odin said darkly, and Hunter mewled at the underlining threat as he rested a hand over the globe of his ass. “But I won’t. Just know it’s coming, Huntsman. I won’t let you off easy next time.”

“This is easy?” He gasped when he felt that thick, flushed head press against his entrance, the sound swiftly shifting into a sharp cry when Odin flicked his hips and began to enter him.

He stretched him around his cock slowly, almost torturously so, feeding Hunter inch by inch. When he was halfway in, he pulled back to the crown, chuckling when that had Hunter whining in protest. “Patience, baby. We have to be gentle. You were just in the hospital.”

“Screw that,” Hunter argued.

“What’s wrong?” He started gliding back in at that same agonizing pace. “You asked me to fuck you. I’m obliging.”

“Not like this!” Hunter buried his face in his arms to keep the sob that slipped past his lips from being heard. It was like he was being filled with a hot poker, stretched and pinned, but denied the rough friction that would help bring him to the end game. Instead, the sensations zipped through his lower belly, warming and heating him, but never letting him feel complete or full.

“You didn’t specify.” Odin dragged his cock back out to start the whole process over a third time.

Or maybe it was the fourth.

Hunter had lost track.

“Snow.” At this point, he wasn’t above begging.

“Uh-uh,” he chided. “You’re going to feel this, every single ridge of my cock, the way your muscles stretch around it to accommodate me. How our bodies fit together perfectly.” He placed both hands on his ass and pulled his cheeks apart, and Hunter didn’t have to turn to know he was staring down at them, watching where they came together.

Odin thrust a little harder, giving him two inches instead of one, but then eased back out to the tip again.

“Snow! Please!” He tipped his hips up and rocked suggestively and invitingly, hoping that would be enough to tempt the other man into just taking him.

He should have known better. Once the Snow Dominus set his mind to something, that was it. The rest of the people around him merely had to endure.
