Page 164 of A Whisper in the Dark

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Power thrummed through him, setting his veins on fire in the most pleasing of ways and he groaned.

“Gross,” Yule said, throwing up his hands when Odin glared. “I meant the icky sex sound you just made, not the blood-drinking.” He turned to Hunter. “That was badass. I like you, Thorn.”

“Like him enough to keep him safe and no more than that,” Odin growled, banking down his jealousy as he took the lead and stepped from the room.

And directly into the fray.

Chapter 12:

Hunter was surprisingly detached as he fired the blaster at Frost soldiers, sticking close to Odin and Yule as they briskly made their way across the floor toward the front doors. He’d been a bit concerned he was going to have flashbacks or something of the like, but seeing the carnage and hearing the grunts and screams didn’t trigger him in the slightest.

Maybe it was the fact he’d put a bullet in First’s brain, or it could even have been because of earlier, seeing what Yule had done to those who’d attacked him under Isa’s command. It’d been hard for him to think about before, but now he felt a rising anger take control, sweeping the fear aside.

They were almost to the exit when someone tossed a smoke bomb through the opening, forcing them to dash out of the way and off to the sides. Hunter and Odin sprang to the left, with Jita and Yule going right.

He hit the ground on his shoulder hard, clenching his teeth against the sharp pain even as Odin dragged him back onto his feet. The two of them took up stance back to back, firing whenever a Frost soldier got too close.

“I can’t believe I allowed you to convince me this was a good idea,” Odin snarled as he killed three men in a row.

“Why?” Hunter feigned a lightness he wasn’t feeling. “This is fun. We should turn it into a regular thing. Date night.”

“The next date we’ll be having will be you thrown over my knees if you keep up with the cavalier attitude,” he warned, shoving him out of the way of an oncoming bullet just before it would have connected with Hunter’s arm. “Pay attention!”

“Sir, yes, sir,” he stated, grinning as he aimed and fired at the person who’d almost hit him.

Odin blinked over his shoulder at him for a split second. “…You’re actually enjoying this."

It’d started as a joke, but yeah, he actually was.

“I forgot how much I like to shoot,” he said, emptying the rest of the clip in one swift motion. Hunter held out his palm. “Refill.”

“Oh,” Odin pulled something from his pocket and slapped it into his hand, “I’ll definitely be filling something later. You’re incredibly sexy when you’re murdering people, Huntsman.”

Someone made a gagging sound and they turned to see Yule had joined them at some point.

Hunter winked at him.

Yule gagged again.

Odin glared in obvious jealousy.

Hunter slid the clip into the blaster and lost himself to the moment. Not all of them were fighting with guns, some had knives and others were merely throwing fists. Whenever he saw a Snow soldier about to take a hit, he helped them out, then quickly moved on to the next.

Though it’d been a while since he’d done anything serious, it was clear all that practice with Loni at the club had paid off. He didn’t feel nearly as helpless as he had that day he’d been kidnapped, felt confident he could hold his own even if he ran out of bullets. Which of course, is what eventually happened.

He tried to signal to Odin he needed more, but somehow the two of them had gotten separated by a few feet—not much, but still surprising. With a curse, he dropped to his knees just in time to avoid the swing of a blade at his throat, kicking out at the man’s leg.

There was a crunch and pop and then the soldier was screaming and falling to the ground.

Hunter spun back onto his feet and stomped down on the man’s windpipe, cutting his cries short. He took up the knife the man had been using and tested the weight in his hand as he glanced around.

They were winning despite having been outnumbered at the start. Isa must have gathered all of his remaining supporters to attempt this attack, but he’d underestimated Odin’s people.

During his momentary distraction, a body slammed into him hard enough he hit and rebounded off the nearby wall. His skull whacked against it, a ringing filling his ears as he struggled to adjust the weapon in his hold and aim when the person shot forward a second time.

He sliced, but the Frost soldier retreated just in time, bringing up a blaster and pointing it directly at Hunter’s chest.

“You’re coming with me,” the soldier said. “Frost will be—”
