Page 170 of A Whisper in the Dark

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Hunter threw up a hand to stave him off and he paused, opting to play along for a minute. “Wait. I don’t know what you’re talking about. What promise?”

“I told you it was coming, remember?” Odin clucked his tongue chidingly. “Don’t tell me you forgot. How uncharacteristically careless of you. I promised you a punishment, Little Whisper, and I always make good on my word.”

Hunter made to retreat again, but this time Odin didn’t allow him the false sense of security.

Before the Huntsman knew what was about to hit him, Odin pounced.

Chapter 14:

He grabbed onto the Huntsman and spun him, slamming his front down over the meeting table. One hand held him pinned by the neck, the other making quick work of his pants, dropping them down to Hunter’s knees. As soon as he had him bared, he groaned, Odin’s cock already hard and aching.

“Snow…,” there was a note of apprehension in his tone that gave Odin momentary pause, but not for long.

“You need this,” he said, undoing his fly to release himself. “We both do.”

Whatever lingering subconscious fears Hunter still carried from his time with Isa, Odin was determined to sear them away. They both always preferred when he played the villain anyway, and a quick glance proved he was right in his assessment when he saw how rigid Hunter’s dick had gotten.

His hole fluttered in preparation and Odin emitted another needy sound, releasing Hunter’s neck so that he could reach down and spread his cheeks to get a better look.

“Do it,” he said when Hunter pressed his palms to the surface of the table and made as though he was going to right himself, “and I’ll make this punishment five times worse for you. I’ve been going easy on you, Little Whisper, but don’t think I didn’t notice how nimbly you moved back at the Storeroom.”

“Did I?”

He hummed in the affirmative. “Watching you fight was a bigger turn-on than I could imagine. It’s a wonder I managed to keep myself in control until we finally got the others to leave the room. The whole time Wren was talking all I could think of was doing this to you.”

Odin grabbed a handful of Hunter’s ass and squeezed, then released him and delivered an open-palm slap that echoed throughout the large meeting space. His handprint appeared, a bright apple color, but dissipated within seconds, causing him to repeat the process with a little more force.

Hunter cried out, shifting forward and digging his hips into the edge of the table as he attempted to get away from the continued spanks, but Odin wouldn’t let up, having already decided on this form of punishment days ago.

“You’re lucky I’m not making good on my other promise,” he growled when Hunter hissed at a particularly hard smack. “Pretty sure I told you if you tried to run again I’d lock you in our room and chain you to the bed. After we’re done here, I’m going to carry you up there and fuck you into the mattress so hard chaining you won’t be necessary, at least not for the next few hours.”

Hunter made a whining sound, and despite the threat, his legs shifted as he attempted to widen his thighs. His pants around his knees prevented him from doing much, just as Odin had intended.

“You’re going to be nice and tight for me, baby,” he informed him, switching his attention to his other ass cheek. The right one was now an angry shade of red that had a pleased rumble coming from him. “I’m going to practically spear through you and you’re going to scream loud enough everyone walking by in the hall is going to hear and know exactly what’s being done to you in here.”

“Odin.” Hunter wasn’t a fan of exhibitionism.

But that was fine. Neither was he when it came to the Huntsman.

“The door is locked, “he reminded him. “No one can get in no matter what they hear.”

“Take me upstairs,” he pleaded, only to be spanked again on his already bruised right cheek.

“You don’t get to make demands,” Odin said, ignoring the glisten of tears that now streaked down the Huntsman’s face. “Submit.”

“I have!”

“Then you should know what you did was wrong and you need to be disciplined.” It may be pushing things a bit too far, but Odin tried it out anyway, paying close attention to see how Hunter would react to the words. Before when things had been rough between them they hadn’t been playing.

Things were better between them now, but that didn’t change the fact he liked dominating the other man in the bedroom, and if the way Hunter’s dick was leaking from where it was caught against the edge of the table was any indicator, he wasn’t alone in that.

“We’re more compatible than we ever realized.” It was tempting to reward his Huntsman for that, but Odin held himself back. Now wasn’t the time to go easy. He’d been terrified when he’d gotten back to the club and found out Hunter was gone—livid, but also absolutely terrified. That feeling had yet to entirely fade, a sliver still lingering in his gut, stabbing at him and making him constantly uneasy.

He wouldn’t be able to rid himself of it until he was staring down at Frost’s corpse, but burying himself into Hunter’s warm heat, getting drunk on his Huntsman’s moans and the feel of his flushed skin against his own…It’d help.

Still, he smoothed his hands over his ass, easing some of the sting with his power.

Hunter shifted again, dropping his forehead to the table. He was panting and covered in a fine sheen of sweat.
