Page 174 of A Whisper in the Dark

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Smiling, he leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to Odin’s lips. “You fucking better after all that. My ass is going to hurt all day.”

Odin snorted. “Way to ruin the moment.”

“Romance was never our thing.”

“No,” he agreed. “Hurry and put your pants on so we can go upstairs and get back to—”

“Screwing?” Hunter interrupted.

“I was going to say ‘our thing’,” he shook his head. “But yeah.”

It took him a while to get off and he needed help from the table to balance once he was back on his feet, but just before Hunter went to pick up his discarded pants he paused and glanced back at Odin with a vulnerable look on his flushed face.

“What is it, Little Whisper?” For a moment, Odin feared he’d given Hunter a bad flashback after all and was all set to apologize and comfort him, but then the Huntsman spoke and proved those fears wrong.

“I love you, too, Snow.” He licked his lips. “Odin. I love you, too.”

He was never going to get sick of hearing that, and he beamed before he could help it. His Huntsman was still a bit timid when it came to this sort of stuff—romance and confessions—so he quickly followed up his reaction with a comment to ease Hunter before he could close up on him again.

“I bet that still pisses you off,” he teased, and as he’d hoped, Hunter’s reaction didn’t disappoint.

He rolled his eyes and heaved a breath. “It really fucking does.”

“Tough, Huntsman.” Odin moved quickly, capturing him in his arms and pulling him forward to stand between his legs. “You’re mine now, and I’m never letting you go.”

Even if he had to burn everything to the ground to keep him.

Chapter 15:

Hunter grumbled and dragged the pillow over his head to block out the pounding on their bedroom door. Whatever it was it could wait. He was achy all over, his ass still hurt, and now he was covered in love bites to boot. It’d only been an hour since Odin had finally allowed him to stop fucking and try and get some sleep, and now someone dared interrupt that?

“Make them shut up,” he hissed when the noise continued, growling when he felt Odin lean over and plant a kiss on his shoulder. He shook him off, making another sound of annoyance when he heard the Shout chuckle in response and buried deeper beneath the heavy set of blankets.

He listened as Odin made his way to the door and answered it, but was already starting to slip back into unconsciousness and didn’t catch anything that was said. He must have fallen back asleep because the next thing he knew he was being shaken awake again.

“There’s a fire downstairs,” Odin told him, already in the process of getting dressed. “It may have been started by Frost soldiers. Stay here while I go put it out and deal with them.”

“You’re joking?” They certainly had been earlier when they’d talked about accidentally starting one between them. Hunter sat up and rubbed at his eyes, not all that concerned since fire wasn’t that big of a threat in the face of someone like the Snow Dominus. “Is it bad?”

“Not sure.” He brushed his lips against Hunter’s forehead in a comically domestic move that would have made Hunter cringe if he’d been more awake. “Wait here.”

“Trust me,” he waved him off and plopped back down, “I have no interest in anything going on anywhere other than right here.”

“The door is locked and I’ll come get you if—”

“I got it.” It’s not like that was new news. The only difference now was Hunter could unlock it if he so wished, which he didn’t. “Seriously. You made me come at least seven times. I barely have enough energy for this conversation, let alone to bother being curious over a fire you can put out with a blink of your eyes.”

“It’s a little more complex than that,” Odin drawled, and the fact he was willing to play into the banter was further proof whatever the situation downstairs was, it wasn’t all that pressing, “but sure.”

“Go.” He waved him away again.

“You’ll pay for that later,” Odin promised, and after what he’d just been through, that was enough to pierce its way through Hunter’s fuzzy brain.

He shot back into a seated position, wincing when that caused his ass to smart, but Snow was already shutting the door behind him. He hadn’t been serious though…right? With a groan, he brushed wayward strands of hair off his face.

The sex was amazing but the Shout was incorrigible. There was no way Hunter could survive another night like the one they’d just had. He needed at least eight hours of sleep, some healing ointment, and a drink before he could even entertain the idea.

As if to further prove that, his entire body ached when he forced himself onto his feet to go use the bathroom. In the mirror he tried checking out the damage, scowling when he lost count of the hickeys after eleven. They peppered all over too, his thighs and his arms and across his ribs. There was even one on his left ass cheek. The marks from the spanking had started to fade, fortunately, but it still stung when he touched it.
