Page 177 of A Whisper in the Dark

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She’d said Meg was found in the Lestial Woods. That was south. They were currently heading west now.

“What are you actually doing, Corbi?”

Seeing that she could no longer keep up the rouse, she did away with the pretenses. “Using you as bait, Thorn. The attack on the club was real, and they really are fighting with Frost Brumal as we speak. But we all know their target was to try and figure out a way to get to you. They’ll never make it far enough to even locate which room you stay in, Snow would never let them get that close.”

“So,” he drawled, “you decided you’d trick me into going with you and…what? Draw Isa out? Just the two of us? With no backup?”

“I’m sticking within close range of the club,” she replied coolly. “Now that we’re far enough not to attract our own people, Frost should feel safe to show himself.”

They’d been circling the same area and he hadn’t even noticed because she’d brought up Meg.

“He’s got to be nearby if he sent the remaining bit of his army here. He wouldn’t stand back on his own without a way of seeing what’s going down for himself,” she said. “If we can catch his attention and draw him out, all we have to do is hold him off long enough to contact Snow.”

“That is a terrible plan.” He may have been the one to have suggested it in the beginning—or, at least some semblance of it—but hearing it come from someone else, put plain and simply like that, made it obvious. “Neither one of us stands a chance against Frost, Corbi. He’ll kill you and either murder me as well or kidnap me. Not to mention, I did not agree to this. Think. The second Odin realizes what you’ve done, he’s going to be livid.”

“You think you’re more important to him than I am,” she surmised, and though usually he tried to be a bit more delicate when it came to people who weren’t named Odin Snow, Hunter didn’t hold back.

“I am,” he stated.

“Because you’re a Whisper?”

“Because I’m me.” Interesting how he didn’t even need to think it over before answering that. “Bring me back to the club, Corbi. Right now.”

“You’re putting him in danger,” she insisted. “You have to see that. Ever since you arrived it’s been one thing after the other, and now he killed his father for you, too? He has enough power to rival Frost. He doesn’t need your blood. Keeping you around will only make him vulnerable. Dominus aren’t allowed to have a weakness, Thorn. You grew up in this world. You know I’m right.”

“I’m confused,” he twisted in his seat, resting one hand over the dashboard, “Spell it out for me. Are you taking me as potential bait, or are you trying to get rid of me for Odin’s sake?”

She shook her head. “I don’t have anything against you.”

“Kind of seems like you do.”

“Snow comes first for me,” she told him. “He always has. I owe him everything.”

“Which is why you, of all people, shouldn’t be doing this to him.”

“I’m doing it for him.”

“Were you always this crazy,” he asked, “or is this new?”

“Things were fine before you arrived!” Corbi yelled. “We were on track to infiltrate and take over Frost territory, a war could have been avoided. Now there’s blood in the streets and our Dominus is constantly taking unnecessary risks for you. No one person is more important than every member of the Snow Brumal.”

“Including Odin?”

“Shut up!”

“Just pointing out the flaw in your argument.” Hunter was freaking out on the inside, but on the outside he remained stoic and sarcastic, needing that familiar armor to keep himself from having a full-blown panic attack.

Corbi had tricked him and he’d trusted her because she’d never given him any other reason but to. Before all of this, Hunter still wouldn’t have made that mistake. Clearly he’d gotten too comfortable by Odin’s side. Too comfortable with his Brumal and those he considered a part of his inner circle.

“He’s going to be so disappointed in you,” he said, realizing the truth in that. Odin would be crushed when he learned about this. The twins were like family to him, some of the very few people he truly trusted. Her betrayal would not only blindside him the same way it was Hunter, but it might also even snuff a part of him out.

For some reason, that concept really pissed Hunter off.

“You’re hurting him and spinning it to fit your own narrative,” he said.

“He can’t see things straight because of you,” she shot back.

“Neither can you,” he waved with his free hand outside the window. “This isn’t even a full-fledged plan. You’re just hoping it works. You have to realize how stupid and risky this is for no real reason.”
